
The map below displays the estimated percentage of adult smokers for each public housing development (PHD) throughout the nation. Users can find out the name of a PHD and its corresponding estimated number of adult smokers by hovering the mouse over a PHD, or clicking on a state to zoom in. Click here to learn more about the methods used to estimate both the number and the percentage of adult smoker within a PHD.

The following map is a county choropleth map that displays the estimated county average percentage of adult smokers living in PHDs, calculated by our teams small area estimation. The counties grayed out either do not contain any public housing or have all PHDs with fewer than 11 residents, in which case our adult smoker estimation analysis is not applicable.

The next map below displays the number of estimated adult smokers living in PHDs, with a radius scale (shown below) representing the number of smokers. The information in this map should be viewed hand-in-hand with the first map, in order to understand the size and proportion of smoking populations in the developments. Click on the gray part of a state to zoom in.

The chart below shows the estimate of the average percent of smokers by state (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico). The order is from the highest average percent (South Carolina) to the lower average percent (Hawaii).

Estimated average percent of public housing smokers by state (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico):
