
The data for the database has multiple sources. In the regression and simulation model used to estimate the number of public housing residents who smoke, our team primarily used the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) dataset and the Public Housing Developments (PHD) dataset from the U.S. Department of Urban Housing and Development (HUD). Additional datasets we used to assist with our analysis include HUD Income Limits, and State Cigarette Excise Tax Rate.

The following datasets were used for mapping:

Our Return on Investment (ROI) and cost savings calculations considered a state health and PHD perspective. Each perspective considered different interventions and costs when calculating the benefits of potentially reducing the estimated number of PHD residents who smoke. Our team researched multiple sources to gather the probability of success and costs of each intervention.

Technical Guide
Click here to read about the technical details of the small area estimation using regression and simulation, and the Return on Investment model.

ROI Model
Click here to download the Excel file containing the data and calculations for the Return on Investment model.


Click here for more information about the team or for a glossary of terms.