
TThe map below describes information on the availability of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) gathered by our team in Spring 2017 from state tobacco quitlines. Each Tobacco Quit Line is a public health service funded by each state government and provides evidence-based interventions for callers depending on their insurance. For uninsured individuals, each state Tobacco Quit Line provides the following type and duration of NRTs, as shown in the map. Typical NRTs include patches, gum, lozenges, and counseling. Detailed information on quitlines services available from 2010 to present, is available here: https://www.cdc.gov/oshdata/Quitline.html.

NAMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual1 WeekMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual2 WeeksMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual4 WeeksMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual6 WeeksMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual8 WeeksMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual10 WeeksMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual12 WeeksMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual16 WeeksMax number of Nicotine Replacement therapy offered to uninsured individual

The chart below shows the estimate of the incoming calls per 10,000 to the state quitline, based on 2016 quarter 3 estimates from the CDC. (Source: https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/Quitline/Quitline-Service-Utilization-2010-To-Present/equ4-92qe)

Incoming Calls to State Quitline per 10,000:


The chart below shows the estimate of callers to the state quitline who received counseling and/or medications per 1,000 tobacco users who called, based on 2016 quarter 3 estimates from the CDC. (Source: https://chronicdata.cdc.gov/Quitline/Quitline-Service-Utilization-2010-To-Present/equ4-92qe)

Callers who received counseling and/or Medications per 1,000 tobacco users:
