Smokefree Multi-Unit Housing
HUD Smokefree Toolkits
Tips From Former Smokers™ Campaign Media Resources
State and Local Health Departments
Resources to Quit Smoking
If you or someone in your household smokes, free resources for quitting are available:
- 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or 1-855-DÉJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569) (for Spanish speakers) -This free service offers many resources, including coaching, help with making a quit plan, educational materials, referrals to other resources where you live, information on FDA-approved cessation medications, and, in some cases, free or discounted cessation medications.
- Smokefree TXT—This free 24/7 texting program sends encouragement, advice, and tips to help smokers quit smoking for good. To get started, just text QUIT to 47848, answer a few questions, and you’ll start receiving messages.
- Online help—This Tips From Former Smokers™web page provides helpful online quit resources.
- Smokefree App—The QuitGuide is a free app that tracks cravings, moods, slips, and smokefree progress to help you understand your smoking patterns and build the skills needed to become and stay smokefree.
-—This site has information and professional assistance to help you or someone you care about quit smoking. Choose the resource that best fits your needs.
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