Join NCHH for National Public Health Week (April 2-8, 2018)
by Jo Miller
Healthiest Nation 2030: Changing Our Future Together
The National Center for Healthy Housing joins the American Public Health Association (APHA) in inviting you to engage all communities and all sectors in a conversation about the role each of us can play to put good health within everyone’s reach. Where we live, learn, work, worship, and play impacts our health and our opportunity to ward off disease and injury. With that in mind, let’s partner across public and private spheres to create healthier people, families, communities and, eventually, the healthiest nation. We can do it — if we work together.
Partners for Public Health
NCHH is a proud National Public Health Week Partner, and we invite your organization to become a NPHW partner too. It’s fast and very simple; just fill out this quick and easy form to add your organization to the growing list of NPHW partners.
We all have a role to play. For inspiration and information on changing our nation’s health and ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to be healthy, check out the Healthiest Nation NPHW fact sheets.
NPHW Daily Themes
Each day of NPHW 2018 will focus on a different public health topic that’s critical to creating the healthiest nation. Every day is an opportunity to showcase your organization’s mission and projects, a partner’s accomplishments, a community’s events, and recognize and honor the contributions of America’s public health workers.
- Monday, April 2: Behavioral Health
- Tuesday, April 3: Communicable Diseases
- Wednesday, April 4: Environmental Health
- Thursday, April 5: Injury and Violence Prevention
- Friday, April 6: Ensuring the Right to Health
Each year, NPHW provides new tools and tips to help you effectively shape and promote activities and key messages during the week. The NPHW 2018 postcard and toolkit gives you talking points around this year’s theme, activity suggestions for each day of NPHW, tips for planning a successful NPHW event, strategies for garnering media coverage and using social media and ways to advocate for public health issues. At NCHH, we have found these resources help to engage communities to celebrate and promote public health and prevention.
Check out the NPHW Toolkit (pdf), which features sample social media posts, information about engaging your community and more!
Get Social about NPHW
How to Make Social Media Work for You – Are you new to social media, or do you want to learn how to use the tools to advance your messages? Good news! APHA has a National Public Health Week Social Media 101 and 201. We invite you to connect with NCHH on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Join the Twitter Chat! APHA will host its eighth annual NPHW Twitter Chat on Wednesday, April 4, at 2 p.m. EDT. The NPHW chat has grown bigger and better each year. Last year, APHA hosted nearly 900 people and organizations and brought the importance of public health to more than 68 million users! You can RSVP to participate in the 2018 chat here. You’ll see a list of other organizations and people that will be participating in the chat. This is a great way to make connections, grow your audiences, and share your organization’s story, events, and resources.
Jo Miller, GPC, SMS, has worked as a part of the NCHH team since 2016, providing strategy, technical assistance, and training for communication and community engagement. A 20-year healthy housing and lead poisoning prevention veteran, she has worked with lead and healthy homes programs throughout the country to build stronger partnerships, innovative approaches, and secure grant funds. As a grant professional, Ms. Miller also specializes in nonprofit and community development as well as grant professional training. Ms. Miller is also a Social Media Strategist (SMS) and trainer, by the Grant Professional Certification Institute as Grant Professional Certified, and as an approved trainer by the Grant Professionals Association.