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State and Local Lead Laws

Several cities have enacted exemplary prevention-oriented lead laws. They are exemplary because they prohibit lead hazards or require cleanup across the housing stock. NCHH developed summaries of seven such laws as part of a research project led by Katrina Korfmacher (University of Rochester) and Mike Hanley (Empire Justice Center) with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Public Health Law Research program (contract number 68390).

The project’s findings were summarized in the August 2013 issue of Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law: “Are Local Lead Laws the Key to Reaching the Children Who Remain at Risk?”

District of Columbia: Washington Lead Law [pdf]

Louisiana: New Orleans Lead Law [pdf]

New York: New York City Lead Law [pdf]

New York: Rochester Lead Law [pdf]

Ohio: Cleveland Lead Law [pdf]

Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Lead Law [pdf]

Vermont: Burlington Lead Law [pdf]

NCHH has worked with dozens of state and local governments to help design laws and write regulations. NCHH’s assistance was sought out in this area because of our scientific research into the most effective ways to reduce home-based hazards and our staff’s unique blend of public health and housing development experience.

State Lead Laws

Maryland Lead Law

Massachusetts Lead Law

North Carolina Lead Law

Vermont Lead Law

Local Lead Laws

California: San Francisco Lead Law

North Carolina: New Bern Lead Law

North Carolina: Rocky Mount Lead Law

Wisconsin: Milwaukee Lead Law