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HUD Lead-Based Paint Regulation Implementation for Rehabilitation Programs

The Model Document Set

Having the proper documents will help facilitate implementation of the requirements under the new lead regulation. These model documents have been created by NCHH to assist CDBG and HOME grantees, community development corporations, rehab specialists, and other housing rehabilitation professionals in implementing the requirements of the new HUD Lead-Based Paint Regulation. The documents include commonly-used policy statements, contract language, forms, and checklists that have been amended to include provisions that help satisfy the regulation requirements, and new documents that must be used to meet new requirements.

The first document consists of a hypothetical list of all existing typical rehab documents, in the order that they might be required. The list is annotated to highlight the model documents that are provided here: existing documents with revisions to incorporate lead-based paint requirements are in italic print; documents which are newly required due to the lead-based paint requirements are in bold print.

The remaining 18 documents have been amended to show some sample program-specific information. For example, some documents are labeled “Our Program” at the top and have a generic address. These “placeholders” should be replaced with the correct details for the local agency, program, or contractor. By adopting these documents (or portions thereof), whether to revise current rehab documents or establish new ones, programs can advance the administrative transition needed to start implementing the new rules.

Users of the model documents are advised to determine whether they are suitable for their individual programs and to consult, as necessary, with legal counsel.

To access the documents:
Each document is formatted in Microsoft Word. To download a document by saving it to your computer in order to modify it in a word processing program other than Word, right-click on “Download,” choose “Save As” in the menu provided, and save the document to a local directory, adding the correct file extension to the file name (such as .wpd for Word Perfect).

See “Resources” below for the document list.


Document Title
1. List of Typical Documents Used by Rehab Specialists
2. Rehab Standards for Single-Family Structures
3. Rehab Contractor Handbook
4. Property Owner’s Service Agreement
5. Property Owner/Rehab Contractor Agreement
6. General Conditions of the Agreement
7. Job File Index
8. Property Owner’s Manual
9. Feasibility Worksheet
10. EPA Pamphlet – Acknowledgement
11. Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessment Report
12. Single-Family Lead Hazard Evaluation Notice
13. Single-Family Lead Hazard Presumption Notice
14. Relocation Plan and Agreement (Optional)
15. Pre-Construction Conference Checklist
16. Clearance Report
17. Re-Occupancy Authorization
18. Sample Lead-Hazard Reduction Notice
19. Request for Proposals/Qualifications (Labs, Risk Assessors, Training, et cetera)
20. Single Family Unit: Lead Requirement Worksheet
21. Waiver of Relocation
22. Presume or Test?
All Model Documents [DOC] [PDF]