Lead-Safe Toolkit for Home-Based Child Care; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead in water; lead in soil; lead in consumer products; childhood learning environments; Children’s Environmental Health Network; CEHN; National Association for Family Child Care; NAFCC;… More
August 1st, 2021
[WHO] Promoting Healthy Housing for All–Towards an Implementation Strategy for the WHO Housing and Health Guidelines: Summary Report of the Housing and Health Expert Consultation
WHO; World Health Organization; David Jacobs; publications; pdf; 2020; 2021; | Promoting Healthy Housing for All–Towards an Implementation Strategy for the WHO Housing and Health Guidelines: Summary Report of the Housing and Health Expert Consultation,… More
July 19th, 2021
Letter: FY22 Appropriations Bundle [2021.06.30] [NSHHC]
National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; NSHHC; letters; appropriations; Congress; Senate; House of Representatives; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; EPA; Environmental Protection Agency; HUD; Department of Housing and Urban Development; letter; letters; FY22… More
May 24th, 2021
[HUD] NHHM2021 Webinar Program Overview, Schedule, and Registration
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Housing; OLHCHH; National Healthy Homes Month 2021; NHHM; NHHM2021; publications; pdf; | Webinar Program Overview, Schedule, and Registration More
May 14th, 2021
Letter: FY22 Request to Congress on Infrastructure, Lead, and Healthy Homes [2021.05.14]
Letter; appropriations; Congress; Senate; lead poisoning; lead-based paint; lead paint; healthy homes; window replacement; Nancy Pelosi; Mitch McConnell; Kevin McCarthy; Chuck Schumer; Letter to Congress on Infrastructure, Lead, and Healthy Homes; | Letter: FY22 Request… More
April 15th, 2021
[WHO] Environmental Burden of Disease Associated with Inadequate Housing
World Health Organization; WHO; publications; David Jacobs; David Ormandy; Matthias Braubach; 2011; | Environmental Burden of Disease Associated with Inadequate Housing: A Method Guide to the Quantification of Health Effects of Selected Housing Risks in… More
February 28th, 2021
Fact Sheet: Healthy Housing in the United States – 2020 [Bundle]
healthy housing fact sheets; healthy housing; state fact sheets; territories; asthma; radon; mold; CO; carbon monoxide; falls; lead; lead poisoning; housing cost burden; HH fact sheet; publications; bundle; 2020; | Healthy Housing in the United… More
February 23rd, 2021
Appropriations: Federal Agency Funding Research (2021)
Appropriations; Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program; National Asthma Control Program; Environmental and Health Outcome Tracking Network; Environmental Health Laboratory, Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes; OLHCHH;… More
December 14th, 2020
Draft Executive Order: Ensuring Healthy Homes: Eliminating Lead and Other Housing Hazards National Center for Healthy Housing
Joe Biden; Kamala Harris; Biden-Harris Administration; EO; Day One Project; lead poisoning; | Draft Executive Order: Ensuring Healthy Homes: Eliminating Lead and Other Housing Hazards More
November 27th, 2020
Article: Predictors of Water Lead Levels in Drinking Water of Homes with Domestic Wells in 3 Illinois Counties
Lead exposure; lead poisoning; lead in water; corrosivity, housing, lead, Pb, rural health, screening programs, water, well; wells; well water; drinking water; WLL; Illinois; IL; Sarah D. Geiger; Jonathan Bressler; Walton Kelly; David E. Jacobs;… More