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Date: March 24th, 2016

Key Topic: Asthma, Codes and Regulations, Community Development, Energy Efficiency, Health Impact Assessment, Healthy Housing, Lead, Mold, Policy, Safety

Type: Information and Evidence, Policy, Publications, Reports

Status: Archived

Audience: Healthy Housing Professionals, Local Governments, Policymakers

Project: Health Impact Project, Kresge, Pew, RWJF

State: California

A Systematic Review of Health Impact Assessments on Housing Decisions and Guidance for Future PracticeA Systematic Review of Health Impact Assessments on Housing Decisions and Guidance for Future Practice; HIA; health impact assessments; report; National Housing Conference; Health Impact Project; Pew Charitable Trusts; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, RWJF; | A Systematic Review of Health Impact Assessments on Housing Decisions and Guidance for Future Practice