Date: June 4th, 2018

Key Topic: Appropriations, Budget, Lead, Policy, Radon

Type: Data

Status: Active

Audience: Advocates, Healthy Housing Professionals, Policymakers

Federal Agency Funding ResearchAppropriations; Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program; National Asthma Control Program; Environmental and Health Outcome Tracking Network; Environmental Health Laboratory, Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes; OLHCHH; Community Development Block Grant; CDBG; HOME Investment Partnership Program; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; Lead Risk Reduction Program; Indoor Air: Radon Program; Reduce Risk from Indoor Air; Children and Other Sensitive Populations; Categorical Grants; Lead; Radon; Department of Health and Human Services; DHHS; Health Resources and Services Administration; HRSA; Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Program, Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program; Administration for Children and Families; Low Income Housing Assistance Program; Low-Income Housing Assistance Program; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; Children’s Health Insurance Program; state allotments; allocations; Department of Energy; DOE; Weatherization Assistance Program; Wx; | Federal Agency Funding Research