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Amy Murphy

Amy Murphy

MPH; Public Health Advisor

Amy Murphy, MPH, has worked as part of the NCHH team since 2008, providing training and technical assistance to the New York State Department of Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program. Ms. Murphy has worked in the field of lead poisoning prevention and healthy homes for 25 years; for 15 years she provided leadership for the City of Milwaukee Health Department’s nationally recognized childhood lead poisoning prevention program. As a public health advisor with 30 years of experience, Ms. Murphy also works in the fields of maternal and child health, communicable diseases, and community health improvement. Ms. Murphy earned a Bachelor of Science in education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a Master of Public Health from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is certified by the Institute of Cultural Affairs (2014) as a ToP™ (Technology of Participation) facilitator and trainer of group facilitation processes.