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Ms. Jumana Vasi

Ms. Jumana Vasi

Environmental Justice and Water Policy Strategist, JVasi Consulting, LLC

Jumana Vasi, MS, is the Principal at JVasi Consulting, LLC. She provides nonprofits and foundations with program planning and evaluation, research and survey analysis, water policy and advocacy, and implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies. Two of Jumana’s long-term projects include managing the Small Grants program for the Midwest EJ Network and providing policy support to We the People of Detroit.

Previously, Jumana managed the Great Lakes grantmaking portfolio at the C.S. Mott Foundation and led resource development efforts at two neighborhood-based organizations in Chicago.

Jumana currently chairs River Network’s Board of Directors and is on the Steering Committee for the Fund to Build Grassroots Power. She previously served on the Visiting Committee of the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment, on the Advisory Board of the University of Michigan’s Water Center, as a Trustee of the Americana Foundation, and as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors of the Environmental Grantmakers Association. Ms. Vasi graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with a degree in international economics and earned her MS in environmental policy and justice from the University of Michigan.