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National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2022

Chat Format and Questions

Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 3 to 4 p.m. ET (12 to 1 p.m. PT). #NLPPWchat

The National Healthy Housing Center (NCHH) is hosting a National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week-themed Twitter chat (#NLPPWchat) to exchange ideas, spread awareness, and take action on lead poisoning prevention and response policies.
The #NLPPWchat aims to:

  • Discuss lead poisoning prevention and response.
  • Raise awareness about the sources of lead exposure.
  • Share helpful initiatives, policies, and resources.

NLPPW partners, please:

  1. Participate in the live chat on October 26 from 3-4 p.m. ET (12-1 p.m. PT).
  2. Help promote #NLPPWchat widely to your followers, members, and partners to ensure broad participation.

To participate, follow @NCHH and RSVP at On Wednesday, October 26, @NCHH will post questions starting at 3:00 p.m. ET (12:00 p.m. PT). Follow along using the #NLPPWchat hashtag and share your thoughts and ideas on policies and practices to address housing health issues and response. Remember to include #NLPPWchat in your tweets so that the chat participants can easily follow you and others during this event.

Promote the chat widely for maximum participation! Follow @NCHH and retweet our Twitter chat promotions during the days leading up to the chat. The more that people see the chat, the more people tune in to read what you have to say, and the more this community can accomplish toward making safe, healthy homes a reality for all Americans.

As an NCHH and/or National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition partner, you have an excellent opportunity to highlight some of your exciting initiatives and projects! Use the #NLPPWchat questions to formulate your answers now. (Learn more about the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition at Where space permits, we also recommend including one or more of the official agency hashtags (#NLPPW2022, #LeadFreeKids) for increased visibility.

Have a Conflict?

If you’re scheduled to be elsewhere but would still like to participate, you have options. It’s okay to join the chat late. As long as you’ve identified which answers correspond to what questions, the audience will figure everything out. Another option is to pre-schedule your tweets using TweetDeck, Hootsuite, or other tweet/post management service.

Format Your Tweets

When writing your tweets, remember these tips:

  • Include the hashtag #NLPPWchat in all your tweets.
  • Start your answers with A1, A2, A3, et cetera, to correspond to the question number.
  • You have only 280 characters per tweet, including spaces and links (note that links on Twitter always use 23 characters, regardless of their actual length), but you’re not limited to one tweet per answer to a question. You may also use A1a, A1b, A1c, and so on, to indicate a multipart answer or multiple responses to a given question.
  • Use links to your website, programs, initiatives, and partners in your tweets! Promote the good work that you and your community or organization is doing! (Note that links on Twitter always use 23 characters, regardless of their actual length.)

Join us for what should be a lively and informative discussion and let us help you to highlight all the exciting work you’re doing to encourage healthier home environments!

If you haven’t already registered, RSVP here now:

You can also register for our next #NHHMchat on June 28, 2023, at 3 p.m. ET:

#NLPPWchat Question Schedule

You may download these questions as a .pdf or docx file or paste them from the list below.

Download: pdf | docx (may download immediately)

To help you out, we’ve preformatted the answers for you. To appear in the chat, your answers must include the #NLPPWchat hashtag.


Check-In Question: Let’s find out who’s here for the conversation! Tell us who you are, where you’re tweeting from today, and why lead poisoning prevention matters to you. #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022 #LeadFreeKids

3:02 p.m.
A: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 1.

Q1: With #ElectionDay coming up, what do you want candidates at the local, state, and federal levels to know—or do—about lead poisoning prevention? (Please avoid political mudslinging.) #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022 #PublicHealth #LeadPoisoning #HealthyHomes #Elections2022

3:10 p.m.
A1: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 2.

Q2: This Friday will mark one year since CDC announced the lowering of the blood lead reference value. What has this change meant for your community or your work? What possibilities does it open up? What challenges are you facing? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

3:15 p.m.
A2: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 3.

Q3: The only way to know for certain that a child has been exposed to lead is by getting them tested. What needs to happen to increase testing rates? What has succeeded and should be implemented more widely? What hasn’t yet been tried but should? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

3:20 p.m.
A3: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 4.

Q4: What policies, programs, or efforts make the biggest difference in preventing and responding to lead poisoning? What new (or recently discovered!) tools or resources are you using to fight lead poisoning? Share as many as you can and tag your partners! #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

3:25 p.m.
A4: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 5.

Q5: What will it take for the U.S. to eliminate preventable lead exposures, shifting to a focus on primary prevention and preventing exposures before they happen versus waiting until after a child is exposed to act? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022 #LeadFreeKids

3:30 p.m.
A5: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 6.

Q6: Lead paint hazards in and around homes are still a major contributing factor, but children and adults are exposed to lead in other settings and from other sources. What are you doing or what needs to be done to address lead exposure more holistically? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

3:35 p.m.
A6: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 7.

Q7: Why is safe, affordable, resilient housing important in fighting for racial justice and dismantling systems that perpetuate disparities? What are some promising strategies to advance #RacialEquity in lead poisoning prevention policies and practices? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

3:40 p.m.
A7: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 8.

Q8: Who (or what) else should be part of the conversation about eliminating lead exposure? What partnerships, collaborations, or voices are giving you hope for the future of lead poisoning prevention? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022 #LeadFreeKids

3:45 p.m.
A8: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 9.

Q9: Title X (our nation’s main federal lead law) turned 30 years old this month. What would the landscape look like today if it hadn’t been passed? What lessons do we have from the last three decades about what else is needed to end childhood lead poisoning? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

3:50 p.m.
A9: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Question 10.

Q10: With everything else going on in the world (racial injustice, economic inequality, climate change), why should young people care about lead poisoning? What advice do you have for people considering or just starting a career in lead or healthy housing? #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

3:55 p.m.
A10: [Your answer here.] #NLPPWchat #NLPPW2022

Final Reminders and Notes About the #NLPPWchat

If you had something you wanted to tell the world related to lead poisoning prevention, but we didn’t give you the question, go ahead and tweet it anyway!

  • Make sure that your tweets include #NLPPWchat in them so they’ll be seen by the chat audience (and also #NLPPW2022 and #LeadFreeKids for even more exposure), but we recommend not assigning them to a particular question. In other words, you may not want to begin your tweet with “A3” if it has nothing to do with “Q3.”

If you’re not able to join the chat when it starts, that’s okay!

  • Join when you can, but make sure that your tweets include #NLPPWchat in them so they’ll be seen by the chat audience.
  • If you’re replying to one of the chat questions on this document, don’t forget to include the A1, A2, A3, et cetera, in your tweet as well.

If you miss the chat completely but still want to participate, that’s okay!

  • We’ll collect all the tweets marked with #NLPPWchat for a Wakelet record starting the next morning, so as long as you’ve posted on the day of the chat, it’s okay with us; however, the visibility of your posts will be less than if you’d been posting during the chat hour. We’ll do our best to relocate any delayed responses into their logical locations in the Wakelet record.

If you want to chat some more, that’s wonderful! Get next year’s chats on your calendar now!

  • You can already register for our next National Healthy Homes Month chat (#NHHMchat) on Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 3 p.m. ET here: