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Partner Policy Statements

NCHH has collected policy statements, positions, and letters from expert national organizations with whom we have collaborated. These organizations provide in-depth and up-to-date policy statements about a variety of healthy housing issues and are a great resource for anyone looking to better understand the policy stakes and landscape in the healthy housing world.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) collects all past policy statements, sortable by a wide range of topics. Publications may also be searched by keyword. Each statement also includes information and metrics about how many times that article has been used. Elsewhere on the site, you can view AAP policy collections sorted by authoring entity.

American Public Health Association (APHA)
APHA approves policy statements each year at its annual meeting. The policy statements inform APHA’s positions on legislative and other policy actions, and the 2017 statements such topics as children’s environmental health and housing as a public health issue. APHA also authors and contributes to many policy letters about specific issues to Congress and the Administration every year.

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO)
ASTHO’s policy statements are created by policy committees and approved by the board of directors. The statements are valid for several years. Current statements and positions relevant to healthy housing include injury, environmental public health tracking, healthy aging, safe drinking water, and more.

Children’s Budget Coalition (CBC)
The CBC is led by First Focus and frequently authors letters to Congress about the need for federal spending bills to protect critical agency programs that serve children. First Focus produces annual children’s budgets detailing the impact of this spending. NCHH is a CBC member and has signed on to many of the letters authored by the coalition.

Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN)
CEHN has policy statements about how health and environmental issues affect children, such as climate change. CEHN also offers fact sheets that explain how children’s health intersects with policy and link to other resources for health practitioners and child care providers.

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
EDF’s reports and publications page containing policy resources of several kinds, including fact sheets, letters, and legislative analysis. There are also links to EDF staff-authored articles and columns, which cover timely policy and political developments with an impact on the environment.

Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI)
GHHI developed policy priorities and briefs for FY16 about proposed legislation and federal funding requests. The policy briefs contain background information and justification about the requests.

National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
NACCHO develops policy statements and letters with input from individual members and advisory groups and approval from the board of directors. In addition to the statements themselves, NACCHO provides a model for how local health departments can use them in their own work. The policy statements cover a variety of topics, including childhood lead poisoning, older adult fall prevention, and indoor air quality.

National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)
NEHA publishes policy statements about specific topics to state the position of the association. Some examples of the position papers from 2017 include climate change and food safety. NEHA also keeps a record of the sign-on letters it has either joined or authored.

National Governor’s Association (NGA)
Within the NGA, the Center for Best Practices conducts research and produces papers in service of the association. The Health Division includes information on addressing asthma as a health investment and a variety of publications and tools about housing as a health issue.

National League of Cities (NLC)
The full NLC membership adopts a compilation of federal policy position each year, published in a National Municipal Policy book. The NLC also produced a Federal Action Agenda in 2017, encompassing three sections on public safety, infrastructure, and the economy.

National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
NLIHC has led the charge on disaster recovery as a housing issue in the wake of the 2017 hurricanes and wildfires. Their efforts include recommendations to HUD, FEMA, and Congress, as well as several letters to Congress about disaster recovery and legislation. NCHH has signed on to many of these letters.

Trust for America’s Health (TFAH)
TFAH separates policy activities, including group letters, policy statements, Congressional testimony, and briefing presentations into health topics, with the archives going back several years. Examples include environmental health and public health funding