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Health Impacts of Healthy Housing Interventions Research Projects

Making improvements to a home can also result in important health improvements. NCHH’s projects have helped to create the evidence base showing the effect of housing improvements (also known as interventions) on health status including both immediate and long-term health, levels of contaminants in the indoor environment, and housing durability.

Because achieving healthy housing involves taking a holistic view of the home, some of the research projects listed below may not only be about healthy housing interventions; however, all of the NCHH research projects listed below have some connection this topic.

NCHH’s Healthy Housing Interventions Research Projects

Findings from an Evaluation of a Large-Scale, Multisite, State-Funded Healthy Homes Program
Green Rehabilitation of Elder Apartment Treatments (GREAT)
Housing Interventions and Health Outcomes
Phoenix Healthy Homes
Providence Healthy Homes
Studying the Optimal Ventilation for Environmental Indoor Air Quality (STOVE IAQ)*

*This is a current research project.

Recommended Reading

Jacobs, D. E., & Baeder, A. (2009, January). Housing and health: A review of the evidence. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing.

Jacobs, D. E., Brown, M. J., Baeder, A., Sucosky, M. S., Margolis, S., Hershovitz, J., Kolb, L., Morley R. L. (2010, September-October). A systematic review of housing interventions and health: Introduction, methods, and summary findingsJournal of Public Health Management & Practice, 16(5 Suppl), S5-S10.

Krieger, J., Jacobs, D. E., Ashley, P. J., Baeder, A., Chew, G. L., Dearborn, D., Hynes, H. P., Miller, J. D., Morley, R. L., Rabito, F., & Zeldin, D. C. (2010, September-October). Housing interventions and control of asthma-related indoor biologic agents: A review of the evidenceJournal of Public Health Management & Practice16(5 Suppl), S11-S20.

Sandel, M., Baeder, A., Bradman, A., Hughes, J., Mitchell, C., Shaughnessy, R., Takaro, T. K., & Jacobs, D. E. (2010, September-October). Housing interventions and control of health-related chemical agents: A review of the evidenceJournal of Public Health Management & Practice16(5 Suppl), S24-S33.

DiGuiseppi, C., Jacobs, D. E., Phelan, K. J., Mickalide, A. D., & Ormandy, D. (2010, September-October). Housing interventions and control of injury-related structural deficiencies: A review of the evidenceJournal of Public Health Management & Practice16(5 Suppl), S34-S43.