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Climate and Healthy Housing Asthma Mitigation Project: Strategies for Gas Range Replacement

Project Funder: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (HUD OLHCHH)

Project Partners: KeyUrban, CT Group, Yachad, Inc.

Project Contacts: David E. Jacobs,

Project Description

This study’s main purpose is to create evidence-based guidance to housing, health, and environmental programs and policymakers on the benefits of gas range replacement in reducing asthma triggers to improve the health and quality of life of residents who have asthma and other respiratory health issues.

It is occurring in two large, neighboring, high-rise, low-income, multifamily buildings in the District of Columbia (DC) Shaw neighborhood. One building, Lincoln Westmoreland Housing, has gas ranges; the other, Channing E. Phillips Homes, has electric. This study marks one of the first efforts to align the healthy housing movement with emerging building decarbonization efforts to improve housing, health, and climate change mitigation. The design is a two-group comparison as well as a pre-/post-study of a natural experiment, with strong community involvement.

In brief, the study will measure nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5), nicotine, and temperature/relative humidity (T/RH) using standardized methods in both interior and exterior air, during four-day sampling periods. Air samples will collected four times over a two-year period to help account for seasonal and other effects. The study will also collect information on resident cooking behavior and other occupant behaviors that may influence indoor air quality, such as the use of windows. The team will also provide asthma/healthy homes education to residents of both buildings prior to gas range replacement at Lincoln Westmoreland Housing and measure knowledge gained through quizzes before and immediately after the education.


This is a new study. We’ll post resources here as they become available.


Latest page update: June 4, 2024.