Fact sheet; children; toys; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead hazards; CPSC; | Toys and Childhood Lead Exposure More
August 30th, 2006
Report: Effective Practices for Enforcing Codes to Ensure Decent Housing Condition (Revised)
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; codes; code enforcement; housing condition; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; PA; Milwaukee; Wisconsin; WI; Cleveland; Ohio; OH; Los Angeles; San Diego; San Francisco; California; CA; New York City; Rochester; New York; NY; Charlotte;… More
December 13th, 2005
Report: Window Replacement Symposium: Analysis of Breakout Group Responses
Windows; Window Replacement Symposium; HUD; OHHLHC; CDC; symposium; publications; reports; 2005; pdf; | Window Replacement Symposium: Analysis of Breakout Group Responses More
June 7th, 2005
[AFHH] Fact Sheet: Understanding New National Data on Lead Poisoning
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; NHANES; childhood lead poisoning; lead exposure; publications; fact sheet: pdf; 2005; | Understanding New National Data on Lead Poisoning More
December 31st, 2004
[Report] Healthy Housing, Healthy Families: Toward a National Agenda for Affordable Healthy Homes
Healthy housing; Enterprise Foundation; Enterprise Community Partners, Annie E. Casey Foundation; Fannie Mae Foundation; Tony Proscio; hazards; publications; pdf; | Healthy Housing, Healthy Families: Toward a National Agenda for Affordable Healthy Homes More
October 31st, 2004
[Urban Institute] How Are HOPE VI Families Faring?
Urban Institute; Metropolitan Housing and Communities Center; survey; HOPE VI; Laura Harris; Deborah Kaye; publications; | How Are HOPE VI Families Faring? More
October 29th, 2004
Report: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Milwaukee Lead Hazard Control Ordinance: Summary Report
Report; Milwaukee; Wisconsin; WI; HUD; Department of Housing and Urban Development; lead hazard control; LHC; Milwaukee Summary Report 10-29-04; Battelle; Warren Strauss; Hsing-Chuan Tsai; Timothy Pivetz; Elizabeth Slone; John Menkedick; Contract C-OPC-21357 task order 2; 2004;… More
May 1st, 2004
Report: Evaluation of the HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program: Final Report
Report; #MDLR005-94; University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health; lead poisoning; lead exposure; evaluation; grantees; National Evaluation; Warren Galke; Scott Clark; Robert Bornschein; Jonathan Wilson | Evaluation of the HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program: Final Report More
April 30th, 2002
[AFHH] Report: Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning Through Code Enforcement: Ten Effective Strategies [Revised 2002]
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning; AECLP; housing codes; code enforcement; publications; reports; pdf; 2001; | Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning Through Code Enforcement: Ten Effective Strategies More
November 30th, 2001
Report: Another Link in the Chain Update: State Policies and Practices for Case Management and Environmental Investigation for Lead-Poisoned Children
Policy, HCF, lead, lead paint, healthy housing, update, 2001, Pat McLaine, Joanna Gaitens, Alliance for Healthy Housing, Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning | Another Link in the Chain Update: State Policies and Practices for Case… More