WHO; World Health Organization; David Jacobs; publications; pdf; 2020; 2021; | Promoting Healthy Housing for All–Towards an Implementation Strategy for the WHO Housing and Health Guidelines: Summary Report of the Housing and Health Expert Consultation,… More
May 24th, 2021
[HUD] NHHM2021 Webinar Program Overview, Schedule, and Registration
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Housing; OLHCHH; National Healthy Homes Month 2021; NHHM; NHHM2021; publications; pdf; | Webinar Program Overview, Schedule, and Registration More
December 31st, 2020
Technical Brief: Determining the Effectiveness of Lead Hazard Control Interventions that Target High-Risk Blocks to Reduce Childhood Blood Lead Levels
Technical Brief; NYSDOH; New York State Department of Health; grantees; lead; LBP; LHC; lead hazard control; childhood lead exposure; high-risk blocks; poisoning; Creating Effective and Efficient Primary Prevention Programs; publications; 2020; | Determining the Effectiveness… More
December 31st, 2020
Technical Brief: Projecting the Burden of Childhood Lead Poisoning in Communities with Low Screening Rates
Technical brief; NYSDOH; New York State Department of Health; grantees; lead; LBP; LHC; lead hazard control; childhood lead exposure; screening; poisoning; Creating Effective and Efficient Primary Prevention Programs; publications; 2018; | Projecting the Burden of… More
December 31st, 2020
Technical Brief: Assessing Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Treatment Post-Remediation
Technical Brief; NYSDOH; New York State Department of Health; grantees; lead; LBP; LHC; lead hazard control; childhood lead exposure; poisoning; remediation; post-remediation; Creating Effective and Efficient Primary Prevention Programs; publications; 2020; | Assessing Lead-Based Paint… More
December 31st, 2020
Technical Brief: Estimating the Costs of Early Intervention Program Services Attributed to Lead Exposure
Technical Brief; NYSDOH; New York State Department of Health; grantees; lead; LBP; LHC; lead hazard control; childhood lead exposure; poisoning; early intervention; Creating Effective and Efficient Primary Prevention Programs; publications; 2020; | Estimating the Costs… More
November 27th, 2020
Article: Predictors of Water Lead Levels in Drinking Water of Homes with Domestic Wells in 3 Illinois Counties
Lead exposure; lead poisoning; lead in water; corrosivity, housing, lead, Pb, rural health, screening programs, water, well; wells; well water; drinking water; WLL; Illinois; IL; Sarah D. Geiger; Jonathan Bressler; Walton Kelly; David E. Jacobs;… More
November 25th, 2020
Report: Overcoming Challenges in Housing-Based Research: Insights from a Longitudinal Study
Enterprise Community Partners; JPB Foundation; community impacts; green health; Chicago; Illinois; IL; New York; New York City; NY; NYC; housing finance reform; research report; housing finance; PDF; 2020; reports; publications; | Overcoming Challenges in Housing-Based… More
September 25th, 2020
Protected: Article: Venting for Health: Indoor Air Quality Improvements from Upgraded Ventilation Systems in Multifamily High-Rise Housing
Ventilation; healthy housing; allergy; allergens; carbon monoxide; CO; vents; indoor air; indoor air quality; IAQ; mold; shaft sealing; thermal performance; volatile organic compounds; VOCs; Jonathan Wilson; Sherry L. Dixon; Marc Zuluaga; David E. Jacobs; Dave… More
May 18th, 2020
Report: Aging Gracefully in Place: An Evaluation of the Capability of the CAPABLE Approach
aging in place; older adults; publications; reports; pdf; 2020; | Aging Gracefully in Place: An Evaluation of the Capability of the CAPABLE Approach More