Asthma, mold, | Creating Change More
January 28th, 2009
Fact Sheet: Asthma and Allergies
Fact sheet; asthma; allergies; Help Yourself to a Healthy Home | Fact Sheet: Asthma and Allergies More
February 27th, 2008
Boston One Touch: Action Steps for Healthier and Greener Homes for Boston Families
Boston One Touch, healthy housing, lead, asthma, injury prevention, policy, Peggy Hegarty-Steck, Naomi Mermin Consulting, Ellen Tohn, Tohn Environmental Strategies, Carol Kawecki, Rebecca Morley, Boston Housing Authority, BHA, Boston Public Health Commission, BPHC | Boston One Touch: Action Steps… More
April 30th, 2007
[ARC] Investing in Best Practices for Asthma: A Business Case for Education and Environmental Interventions
Asthma; triggers; allergens; environment; Asthma Regional Council; ARC; Health Resources in Action; HRIA; University of Massachusetts Lowell; Massachusetts; MA; Polly Hoppin; Molly Jacobs; Laurie Stillman; Kresge Foundation; ROI; return on investment; Coalition_ARC_Best_Practices__Asthma; | Investing in Best… More
January 31st, 2007
Green and Healthy Property Maintenance Costs and Activities
Boston One Touch; Boston; Massachusetts; MA; Boston Housing Authority; BHA; healthy housing; maintenance; repair; costs; carpets; ventilation; low-VOC; cockroaches; roaches; boric acid; ASHRAE 62.2; MERV 8; Peggy Hegarty-Steck; Ellen Tohn; Tohn Environmental Strategies; Naomi Mermin… More
June 30th, 2006
[CHCS] Monroe Plan & ViaHealth Partnership: 2001-2004 – Improving Asthma Care for Children
Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc.; CHCS; asthma; Monroe Plan; ViaHealth; IACC; Via Health; health care financing; healthcare, HCF; 2006; HCF_Monroe_&_ViaHealth_-_IACC_Resource_Paper | Monroe Plan & ViaHealth Partnership: 2001-2004 – Improving Asthma Care for Children More
January 31st, 2006
Report: Asthma and Weatherization in Maine
Ellen Tohn; ERT Associates; Tohn Environmental Strategies; Jessie B. Cox Foundation; Jessie B, Cox Charitable Trust Foundation; asthma; weatherization; mold; publications; PDF; 2006; | Asthma and Weatherization in Maine More
October 27th, 2004
[CDC] Protect Yourself from Mold
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CDC; flooding; water damage; disaster; recovery; disaster preparedness; publications; 2004; flood guide resources; | Protect Yourself from Mold More