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January 31st, 2007

Green and Healthy Property Maintenance Costs and Activities

Boston One Touch; Boston; Massachusetts; MA; Boston Housing Authority; BHA; healthy housing; maintenance; repair; costs; carpets; ventilation; low-VOC; cockroaches; roaches; boric acid; ASHRAE 62.2; MERV 8; Peggy Hegarty-Steck; Ellen Tohn; Tohn Environmental Strategies; Naomi Mermin… More

January 31st, 2006

Report: Asthma and Weatherization in Maine

Ellen Tohn; ERT Associates; Tohn Environmental Strategies; Jessie B. Cox Foundation; Jessie B, Cox Charitable Trust Foundation; asthma; weatherization; mold; publications; PDF; 2006; | Asthma and Weatherization in Maine More

October 27th, 2004

[CDC] Protect Yourself from Mold

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CDC; flooding; water damage; disaster; recovery; disaster preparedness; publications; 2004; flood guide resources; | Protect Yourself from Mold More