MA, Massachusetts, Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund, PWTF, pediatric asthma, Healthcare Financing, HCF, Alternative Financing Mechanisms; Sustainable Financing Mechanisms; health care financing; publications; case studies; | Massachusetts’ Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund More
December 6th, 2018
[WHO] WHO Housing and Health Guidelines
World Health Organization; WHO; 2018; David Jacobs; noise; falls; injury prevention; smoking; secondhand smoke; second-hand smoke; smokefree housing; IAQ; indoor air quality; radon; asbestos; lead hazard control; health in all policies; | WHO Housing and… More
November 21st, 2018
Costs for Creating a Healthy Home – English
NCHH; fact sheet; healthy homes; | Costs for Creating a Healthy Home – English More
September 18th, 2018
Technical Brief: Community Health Workers: Delivering Home-Based Asthma Services
technical brief; W. K. Kellogg Foundation; George Washington University; GWU; Milken School of Public Health; Childhood Asthma Leadership Coalition; 2018; CHW; CHWs; community health workers; Medicaid; financing; funding; insurance; asthma; | Community Health Workers: Delivering Home-Based Asthma… More
July 27th, 2018
Talking Points: Asthma
Policy; Five Things You Can Do; 5 Things; talking points; asthma; mold; appropriations; funding; ROI; Build the Movement | Talking Points: Asthma More
January 27th, 2017
An Evaluation of a State-Funded Healthy-Homes Intervention on Asthma Outcomes in Adults (Digital Supplement 1)
Asthma, air quality, particulates, | An Evaluation of a State-Funded Healthy-Homes Intervention on Asthma Outcomes in Adults (Digital Supplement 1) More
January 27th, 2017
An Evaluation of a State-Funded Healthy-Homes Intervention on Asthma Outcomes in Adults (Digital Supplement 2)
Asthma, air quality, particulates, triggers, | An Evaluation of a State-Funded Healthy-Homes Intervention on Asthma Outcomes in Adults (Digital Supplement 2) More
September 12th, 2016
Case Studies in Healthcare Financing for Healthy Homes Services: Medicaid Reimbursement for Lead Follow-Up Services in Ohio
Ohio, OH, case study, case studies, health care, healthcare, financing, HCF, lead, lead follow-up, blood lead, EBLL, BLL, renovation, RRP, healthy homes services, Medicaid, reimbursement, GWU, George Washington University, Milken Institute, programs, | Case Studies in Healthcare Financing… More
September 12th, 2016
Case Studies in Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services (Asthma and Lead Studies)
Healthcare, case study, asthma, lead poisoning, | Case Studies in Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes Services (Asthma and Lead Studies) More
September 12th, 2016
Case Studies in Healthcare Financing for Healthy Homes Services: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services in Washington
Washington, WA, Washington State, case study, case studies, health care, healthcare, financing, HCF, asthma, home-based asthma services, healthy homes services, Medicaid, reimbursement, breathing, GWU, George Washington University, Milken Institute, programs, Native Americans, tribal, tribal communities, Medicaid Reimbursement for… More