Tools for technical assistance; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;CDC; National Environmental Health Association; NEHA; NU38OT000300-04-05; Ashely Williams; emergency preparedness; emergency response; floods; flooding; flood zones; Connecticut; Conn; CT; publications; PDF; 2022; | Creating Strategies… More
July 31st, 2022
Technical Assistance: Creating Strategies for Flood Preparedness: Residential Flood Assistance Program/RainReady (Chicago, Illinois)
Tools for technical assistance; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;CDC; National Environmental Health Association; NEHA; NU38OT000300-04-05; Ashely Williams; emergency preparedness; emergency response; floods; flooding; Chicago; Illinois, Ill.; IL; Chicago Department of Planning and Development; RainReady;… More
July 31st, 2022
Technical Assistance: Creating Strategies for Flood Preparedness: Home Preparedness Assessment Program (Boulder, Colorado)
Tools for technical assistance; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;CDC; National Environmental Health Association; NEHA; NU38OT000300-04-05; Ashely Williams; emergency preparedness; emergency response; floods; flooding; Boulder; Colorado; Colo; CO; publications; PDF; 2022; | Creating Strategies for… More
July 31st, 2022
Technical Assistance: Creating Strategies for Flood Preparedness: Resilient Affordable Housing Grant Program (Boston, Massachusetts)
Tools for technical assistance; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;CDC; National Environmental Health Association; NEHA; NU38OT000300-04-05; Ashely Williams; emergency preparedness; emergency response; floods; flooding; Boston, Massachusetts; Mass; MA; publications; PDF; 2022; | Creating Strategies for… More
July 21st, 2022
Presentation: Ensuring Housing Resiliency in the Face of Climate Change [slides] [pdf]
National Environmental Health Association; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CDC; Alyssa Wooden; Natasha DeJarnett; Marc Coudert; City of Austin Office of Sustainability; Texas; TX; Gillian Mittelstaedt; Tribal Healthy Homes Network; Washington; WA; Michael Pascucilla;… More
November 5th, 2021
Report: Healthy Housing in Alexandria: Where We Are and Where We Can Go [Project Version]
Virginia; VA; codes; code enforcement; Alexandria; lead exposure; lead poisoning; lead-based paint; flooding; floods; mold; asthma; affordable housing; policy; code enforcement; City of Alexandria; Alexandria Health Department; Noreen Beatley; Sarah Goodwin; gap analysis; publications; reports;… More
May 24th, 2021
[HUD] NHHM2021 Webinar Program Overview, Schedule, and Registration
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Housing; OLHCHH; National Healthy Homes Month 2021; NHHM; NHHM2021; publications; pdf; | Webinar Program Overview, Schedule, and Registration More
November 25th, 2019
Presentation: Climate Change and the Environment: Respiratory Impacts, General Health Risks, and the IAQ Implications of Increased Flooding and Wildfires [slides]
PowerPoint; presentation; webinar; climate change; Aileen Gagney; Tribal Healthy Homes Network; Jeff Demain; Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center of Alaska; University of Washington; School of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; WWAMI School of Medical Education;… More
August 8th, 2008
Fact Sheet: Background on the Importance of Healthy Housing for Older Adults
Aging; asthma; aging in place; falls; seniors; elderly; older adults; extreme heat; heat waves; publications; Healthy_Homes_Older_Adults-8-8-08; fact sheets; PDF; 2008; | Background on the Importance of Healthy Housing for Older Adults More