U.S. Virgin Islands; VI; USVI; U.S. territory; territories; healthy housing fact sheets; healthy housing; state fact sheets; asthma; radon; mold; CO; carbon monoxide; falls; lead; lead poisoning; housing cost burden; HH fact sheet; | Healthy… More
July 18th, 2024
Fact Sheet: Healthy Housing in the Northern Mariana Islands [2024 Edition]
Northern Mariana Islands; MP; U.S. territory; territories; healthy housing fact sheets; healthy housing; state fact sheets; asthma; radon; mold; CO; carbon monoxide; falls; lead; lead poisoning; housing cost burden; HH fact sheet; | Healthy Housing… More
January 5th, 2022
Fact Sheet: The Unjust Consequences of Providence Water’s Partial Lead Pipe Replacements
lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead in drinking water; leaded pipes; Children’s Lead Action Project; Environmental Defense Fund; Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative; publications; PDF; 2022; | The Unjust Consequences of Providence Water’s Partial Lead Pipe… More
February 28th, 2021
Fact Sheet: Healthy Housing in the United States – 2020 [Bundle]
healthy housing fact sheets; healthy housing; state fact sheets; territories; asthma; radon; mold; CO; carbon monoxide; falls; lead; lead poisoning; housing cost burden; HH fact sheet; publications; bundle; 2020; | Healthy Housing in the United… More
November 27th, 2020
Article: Predictors of Water Lead Levels in Drinking Water of Homes with Domestic Wells in 3 Illinois Counties
Lead exposure; lead poisoning; lead in water; corrosivity, housing, lead, Pb, rural health, screening programs, water, well; wells; well water; drinking water; WLL; Illinois; IL; Sarah D. Geiger; Jonathan Bressler; Walton Kelly; David E. Jacobs;… More
January 15th, 2020
Presentation: Understanding EPA’s Proposed Changes to the Lead and Copper Rule [slides]
PowerPoint; presentation; webinar; National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; NSHHC; Nse Obot Witherspoon; Tom Neltner; Lindsay McCormack; EDF; Environmental Defense Fund; CEHN; Children’s Environmental Health Network; EPA; Environmental Protection Agency; Lead and Copper Rule; drinking… More