technical brief; W. K. Kellogg Foundation; George Washington University; GWU; Milken School of Public Health; Childhood Asthma Leadership Coalition; 2018; CHW; CHWs; community health workers; Medicaid; financing; funding; insurance; asthma; | Community Health Workers: Delivering Home-Based Asthma… More
September 18th, 2018
Technical Brief: Advancing the Role of Community Health Workers
technical brief; W. K. Kellogg Foundation; George Washington University; GWU; Milken School of Public Health; 2018; CHW; CHWs; community health workers; Medicaid; financing; funding; insurance | Advancing the Role of Community Health Workers: Engaging State… More
August 6th, 2018
TFAH & Nemours: Medicaid Reimbursement for Community-Based Prevention (Questionnaire)
Trust for America’s Health; Healthy Americans; TFAH; Nemours; CDC; CMS; Affordable Care Act; HCF; healthcare financing; health care financing; Medicaid Provision of Preventive Services Regulation – questionnaire to prepare for a dialogue with State Medicaid… More
September 13th, 2016
Technical Brief: Reimbursement for Healthy Homes Services: A Case Study of Leveraging Existing Medicaid Authority in Texas
APHA; American Public Health Association; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; healthy housing; HCF; health care financing; healthcare financing; community benefits; Medicaid; Texas; TX; Texas Childhood Lead Poisoning Program; TxCLPPP; HCF_APHA_techbrief3_TxCLPPP_FINAL | Reimbursement for Healthy… More
September 12th, 2016
Case Studies in Healthcare Financing for Healthy Homes Services: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services in the District of Columbia
Washington, DC, Washington DC, case study, case studies, health care, healthcare, financing, HCF, asthma, home-based asthma services, healthy homes services, Medicaid, reimbursement, breathing, GWU, George Washington University, Milken Institute, programs, District of Columbia | Case Studies in… More
May 27th, 2016
CALC: Pathways to Medicaid Reimbursement for Pediatric Asthma Services
Pathways to Medicaid Reimbursement for Pediatric Asthma Services; asthma; healthcare; financing; healthcare financing; Children’s Health Insurance Program; CHIP; HCF; Medicaid; EPSDT; Childhood Asthma Leadership Coalition; CALC; CMS; Medicaid_Pathways_to_Asthma_Reimbursement_CALC_May2016 | Pathways to Medicaid Reimbursement for Pediatric Asthma Services More
November 19th, 2014
Report: Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes: Findings from a 2014 Nationwide Survey of State Reimbursement Policies
NCHH; Milken Institute School of Public Health; George Washington University; Rebecca Morley; Amanda Reddy; Katie Horton; Mary-Beth Malcarney; Mary-Beth Harty; the Kresge Foundation; healthcare; health care; financing; HCF; publications; pdf; 2014; report; | Healthcare Financing… More
November 19th, 2014
Brief: Healthcare Financing of Healthy Homes: Recommendations for Increasing the Number of States with Medicaid Coverage of Lead Follow-up and Home-based Asthma Services
NCHH; Milken Institute School of Public Health; George Washington University; Rebecca Morley; Amanda Reddy; Katie Horton; Mary-Beth Malcarney; Mary-Beth Harty; the Kresge Foundation; healthcare; health care; financing; HCF; publications; pdf; 2014; brief; | Healthcare Financing… More
July 2nd, 2014
Technical Brief: Hospital Community Benefits: Opportunities for Healthy Homes
APHA; American Public Health Association; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; healthy housing; HCF; health care financing; healthcare financing; community benefits; HCF_APHA_techbrief2_community benefits_FINAL | Hospital Community Benefits: Opportunities for Healthy Homes More
June 16th, 2014
CALC: Medicaid and Community-Based Asthma Interventions: Recent Changes and Future Steps
Asthma; Childhood Asthma Leadership Coalition; CALC; Medicaid; HCF; healthcare financing; health care; financing; CMS; HCF_Medicaid%20and%20Community%20Based%20Asthma%20One-Pager.pdf | Medicaid and Community-Based Asthma Interventions: Recent Changes and Future Steps More