Home Depot Foundation; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Kresge Foundation; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; NSHHC; National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; Joycelyn Elders; Shaun Donovan; Kathleen Sebelius; Jack… More
August 30th, 2006
Report: Effective Practices for Enforcing Codes to Ensure Decent Housing Condition (Revised)
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; codes; code enforcement; housing condition; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; PA; Milwaukee; Wisconsin; WI; Cleveland; Ohio; OH; Los Angeles; San Diego; San Francisco; California; CA; New York City; Rochester; New York; NY; Charlotte;… More
April 30th, 2002
[AFHH] Report: Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning Through Code Enforcement: Ten Effective Strategies [Revised 2002]
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning; AECLP; housing codes; code enforcement; publications; reports; pdf; 2001; | Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning Through Code Enforcement: Ten Effective Strategies More