May 15th, 2014

Green Housing Series: Creating a Community Landmark

Orness Plaza; Mankato; Minnesota; MN; mold; mildew; older adults; seniors; Home Depot Foundation; Enterprise Community Partners; NeighborWorks America; Local Initiatives Support Corporation; LISC; green building; publications; energy; community; publications; pdf; case studies; | Green Housing… More

April 16th, 2014

National Healthy Housing Standard Presentation

National Healthy Housing Standard, NHHS, Power Point, PowerPoint, National Healthy Housing Standard Presentation, code, standard of care, home renovations, lead, asthma, methamphetamine, pests, radon, pesticides, smoke, multifamily housing, toxic, asbestos, HVAC, home | National Healthy… More

April 16th, 2014

National Healthy Housing Standard Presentation

National Healthy Housing Standard, NHHS, Power Point, PowerPoint, National Healthy Housing Standard Presentation, code, standard of care, home renovations, lead, asthma, methamphetamine, pests, radon, pesticides, smoke, multifamily housing, toxic, asbestos, HVAC, home | National Healthy… More