December 6th, 2018

[WHO] WHO Housing and Health Guidelines

World Health Organization; WHO; 2018; David Jacobs; noise; falls; injury prevention; smoking; secondhand smoke; second-hand smoke; smokefree housing; IAQ; indoor air quality; radon; asbestos; lead hazard control; health in all policies; | WHO Housing and… More

May 15th, 2014

Green Housing Series: Creating a Community Landmark

Orness Plaza; Mankato; Minnesota; MN; mold; mildew; older adults; seniors; Home Depot Foundation; Enterprise Community Partners; NeighborWorks America; Local Initiatives Support Corporation; LISC; green building; publications; energy; community; publications; pdf; case studies; | Green Housing… More

May 31st, 2010

Brief: Integrating Energy Efficiency and Healthy Housing

NSHHC; National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; publication; technical brief; briefing paper; National Healthy Housing Policy Summit; 2009; 2010; Jonathan Wilson; Arnie Katz; Advanced Energy; | Integrating Energy Efficiency and Healthy Housing More