NYSDOH; New York; NYC; NY; NYS; New York City; RRP; renovation; repair; painting; rule; 40 CFR § 745.80-.91; lead poisoning prevention; lead exposure; lead hazard control; LHC; lead poisoning; David A. Paterson; | New York… More
February 27th, 2009
NYSDOH: New York State’s Primary Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning Pilot Program Year One Implementation Final Report
New York State Department of Health; Bureau of Community Environmental Health and Food Protection; NYSDOH; NYS; CLPPPP; grantees; childhood; lead exposure; lead poisoning; lead hazard control; LHC; summary report; implementation report; 2007; 2008; 2009; #C022621… More
December 10th, 2008
Early Lessons Learned: New York State’s Primary Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning Pilot Project
New York State Department of Health, NYSDOH, CLPPPP, NY, New York, Early Lessons Learned: New York State’s Primary Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning Pilot Project, lead poisoning prevention More