Boston One Touch, healthy housing, lead, asthma, injury prevention, policy, Peggy Hegarty-Steck, Naomi Mermin Consulting, Ellen Tohn, Tohn Environmental Strategies, Carol Kawecki, Rebecca Morley, Boston Housing Authority, BHA, Boston Public Health Commission, BPHC | Boston One Touch: Action Steps… More
November 13th, 2007
Case Study: Integrated Pest Management Interventions for Healthier Homes: Boston Public Housing: Partnerships and Policy Advances
IPM; pests, integrated pest management; cockroach; cockroaches; roaches; resources and Info; Boston; Massachusetts; case study; publications; PDF; case studies; 2007; | Integrated Pest Management Interventions for Healthier Homes: Boston Public Housing: Partnerships and Policy Advances More
January 31st, 2007
Green and Healthy Property Maintenance Costs and Activities
Boston One Touch; Boston; Massachusetts; MA; Boston Housing Authority; BHA; healthy housing; maintenance; repair; costs; carpets; ventilation; low-VOC; cockroaches; roaches; boric acid; ASHRAE 62.2; MERV 8; Peggy Hegarty-Steck; Ellen Tohn; Tohn Environmental Strategies; Naomi Mermin… More
October 29th, 2006
Report: Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned Update
Lead; lead hazard; lead hazard control; lead-safe; Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; grantees; publications; PDF; lead technical study; #DCHBC0001-03; | Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned Update – Evaluating Lessons… More
August 30th, 2006
Report: Effective Practices for Enforcing Codes to Ensure Decent Housing Condition (Revised)
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; codes; code enforcement; housing condition; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; PA; Milwaukee; Wisconsin; WI; Cleveland; Ohio; OH; Los Angeles; San Diego; San Francisco; California; CA; New York City; Rochester; New York; NY; Charlotte;… More
May 1st, 2004
Report: Evaluation of the HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program: Final Report
Report; #MDLR005-94; University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health; lead poisoning; lead exposure; evaluation; grantees; National Evaluation; Warren Galke; Scott Clark; Robert Bornschein; Jonathan Wilson | Evaluation of the HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program: Final Report More
April 30th, 2001
[AFHH] Report: Small Area Analysis of Risk for Childhood Lead Poisoning
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning; AECLP; Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; Mary Jean Brown; Edmond Shenassa; Nancy Tips; lead exposure; lead poisoning; data; Detroit; Michigan; MI; Philadelphia: Pennsylvania; PA; Milwaukee; Wisconsin; WI; Mobile; Alabama;… More
April 30th, 2001
Cambridge Walk-Off Study Mat Study Report
Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts, Lead-Safe Cambridge, LSC, National Center for Lead-Safe Housing, NCLSH, walkoff mats, walk-off mats, lead, lead poisoning prevention, publications, reports | Cambridge Walk-Off Study Mat Study Report More
July 31st, 2000
[AFHH] Report: Action Plan to Make High-Risk Housing Lead-Safe
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning; AECLP; Maria Rapuano; Don Ryan; Jane Malone; K. W. James Rochow; Ralph Scott; Anne Guthrie; lead poisoning; lead exposure; AFHH;publications; report; pdf; 2000; |… More
April 30th, 1997
Report: Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned to Date
Lead; lead hazard; lead hazard control; lead-safe; Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; grantees; publications; PDF; 1997; | Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned to Date More