May 31st, 2019

Report: The TACTIC Project – Final Report

Michigan; MI; codes; code enforcement; Battle Creek; Detroit; Flint; Grand Rapids; lead exposure; lead poisoning; lead-based paint; Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; Child Lead Exposure Elimination Innovations Grant; contract number E20183042-00; David Jacobs; Sarah… More

November 3rd, 2017

Healthy Housing Fact Sheet – Michigan

Michigan, MI, healthy housing fact sheets, healthy housing, state fact sheets, asthma, radon, mold, CO, carbon monoxide, falls, lead, lead poisoning, housing cost burden, HH fact sheet, | Health Housing Fact Sheet – Michigan More

July 28th, 2014

Case Studies: The Benefits of Home Visits for Children with Asthma

Asthma, case study, case studies, allergens, home visiting models, ROI, Multnomah County Environmental Health Department, Portland, Oregon, OR, Baltimore City Bureau of Healthy Homes, Baltimore, Maryland, MD, Community Asthma Prevention Program of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, PA, Neighborhood Health Plan,… More