Smoke-free; smokefree; safety; publications; 2020; Live Smoke Free; | Global Directory of Smoke-Free Multi-Housing Programs More
November 1st, 2019
Fact Sheet: Healthy Housing in the United States – 2019 [Bundle]
healthy housing fact sheets; healthy housing; state fact sheets; territories; asthma; radon; mold; CO; carbon monoxide; falls; lead; lead poisoning; housing cost burden; HH fact sheet; publications; bundle; 2019; | Healthy Housing in the United… More
November 3rd, 2017
Healthy Housing Fact Sheet – Vermont
Vermont, VT, healthy housing fact sheets, healthy housing, state fact sheets, asthma, radon, mold, CO, carbon monoxide, falls, lead, lead poisoning, housing cost burden, HH fact sheet, | Health Housing Fact Sheet – Vermont More
September 12th, 2016
Case Studies in Healthcare Financing for Healthy Homes Services: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services in Vermont
Vermont, VT, case study, case studies, health care, healthcare, financing, HCF, asthma, home-based asthma services, healthy homes services, Medicaid, reimbursement, breathing, GWU, George Washington University, Milken Institute, programs, | Case Studies in Healthcare Financing for Healthy Homes… More
April 5th, 2016
Fact Sheet: Healthy Housing in Vermont [2016 Edition]
Vermont, NCHH, healthy housing, fact sheet, | Fact Sheet – Vermont More
May 28th, 2015
Nancy Eldridge Photo
Nancy Eldridge; headshot; | Nancy Eldridge Photo More
July 31st, 2013
Report: State and Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs: The Impact of Federal Public Health Funding Cuts
CLPPP; CLPPPs; federal government; lead; blood lead; sequestration; budget; budget cuts; lead-safe; LSWP; lead safe work practices; Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program; CDC; Centers for Disease Control; jobs; job loss; 2013; report; | State and Local… More
January 14th, 2009
Table: State Health Department Policies for Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels [2009] [State Summary]
table; tables; lead poisoning; state_summary_1-14-09; | State Health Department Policies for Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels [2009] More
October 29th, 2006
Report: Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned Update
Lead; lead hazard; lead hazard control; lead-safe; Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; grantees; publications; PDF; lead technical study; #DCHBC0001-03; | Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned Update – Evaluating Lessons… More
May 1st, 2004
Report: Evaluation of the HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program: Final Report
Report; #MDLR005-94; University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health; lead poisoning; lead exposure; evaluation; grantees; National Evaluation; Warren Galke; Scott Clark; Robert Bornschein; Jonathan Wilson | Evaluation of the HUD Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program: Final Report More