March 31st, 2021

Lead Legal Strategies Partnership Technical Assistance Tool: Opportunities to Strengthen Local Lead-Related Policies: Model Ordinance Language to Address Lead Risks in Existing Demolition Requirements

Lead Legal Strategies Partnership; Earthjustice; ChangeLab Solutions; EPA; Environmental Protection Agency; lead poisoning; lead-based paint; enforcement; publications; 2021; | Opportunities to Strengthen Local Lead-Related Policies: Model Ordinance Language to Address Lead Risks in Existing Demolition… More

March 23rd, 2021

[EPA/HUD] Steps to Lead Safe Renovation, Repair and Painting

RRP; renovation; renovations; repair; repairs; painting; lead-safe work practices; LSWP; lead poisoning; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; publications; PA-740-K-11-001; 2021 | Steps to Lead Safe Renovation, Repair and Painting More