U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission; CPSC; wiring; fact sheet; hazards; publications; Publication 516; 2011; | Repairing Aluminum Wiring More
May 31st, 2011
[CFHP] Insights from Housing Policy Research: The Impacts of Affordable Housing on Education: A Research Summary
Center for Housing Policy; CFHP; Maya Brennan; 2011; affordable housing; housing policy; Insights from Housing Policy Research; | The Impacts of Affordable Housing on Education: A Research Summary More
October 1st, 2010
[ARC] Investing in Best Practices for Asthma: A Business Case – August 2010 Update
Asthma; triggers; allergens; Asthma Regional Council; ARC; Health Resources in Action; HRIA; University of Massachusetts Lowell; Massachusetts; MA; Polly Hoppin; Molly Jacobs; Laurie Stillman; Kresge Foundation; ROI; return on investment; | Investing in Best Practices for… More
July 26th, 2010
ACN: Massachusetts’ Budget Mandates Payment for Comprehensive Asthma Care
Asthma Community Network, asthma, budget, blog, policy, health care financing, healthcare, financing, HCF, Massachusetts, MA, Mass., HCF_ACNblog_MAappropriations, 2010 | Massachusetts’ Budget Mandates Payment for Comprehensive Asthma Care More
July 7th, 2010
[EPA] An Insider’s Guide to Lead-Safe Painting and Home Improvement
Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; lead; lead paint; LBP; lead-based paint; lead based paint; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead hazard control; lead-safe work practices; lead safe work practices; LSWP; healthy housing; publications; | An Insider’s Guide… More
July 7th, 2010
[EPA] An Insider’s Guide to Lead-Safe Painting and Home Improvement – Spanish
Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; lead; lead paint; LBP; lead-based paint; lead based paint; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead hazard control; lead-safe work practices; lead safe work practices; LSWP; healthy housing; publications; Spanish; An Insider’s Guide… More
June 24th, 2010
Controlling and Preventing Household Mold and Moisture Problems: Lessons Learned and Strategies for Disseminating Best Practices: A Report to Congress
HUD; Department of Housing and Urban Development; April 2005; April 2005 report to Congress on mold and moisture; mold; moisture; health; HUD_Mold_Report_Congress | Controlling and Preventing Household Mold and Moisture Problems: Lessons Learned and Strategies for Disseminating Best Practices:… More
June 24th, 2010
[HUD] Asthma [Fact Sheet]
Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; asthma; facts; triggers; particulates; publications; | Asthma [Fact Sheet] More
December 31st, 2009
New York State Task Force on the Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning: Preliminary Report 2009
NYSDOH; New York; NYC; NY; NYS; New York City; RRP; renovation; repair; painting; rule; 40 CFR § 745.80-.91; lead poisoning prevention; lead exposure; lead hazard control; LHC; lead poisoning; David A. Paterson; | New York… More
July 31st, 2009
[PHSCC] The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Healthy Homes
U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps; PHSCC; Steven K. Galson; publications; PDF; Surgeon General; | The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Healthy Homes More