Women for a Healthy Environment; WHE; webinar; Sarah Goodwin; pdf; presentation; | Healthy Homes Policy and Advocacy [slides] More
June 10th, 2020
Presentation: Bridging Silos: Local Environmental Health Collaborations Leading to Primary Prevention [slides]
Webinar; presentation; slides; Duluth; Minnesota; Rochester; New York; Los Angeles; Long Beach; California; Katrina Smith Korfmacher; Amanda Reddy; 2020; pdf; | Bridging Silos: Local Environmental Health Collaborations Leading to Primary Prevention [slides] More
June 1st, 2020
Presentation: Mitigate Mold and Health-Related Hazards and Restore Your Flooded Home [slides]
Enterprise Community Partners; Livable Housing; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; Region 2; Ameesha Mehta-Sampath; Laurie Schoeman; Armand Magnelli; Jonathan Wilson; floods; flooding; water damage; mold; asthma; disasters; disaster recovery; webinar; Presentation; PowerPoint; 2020; How to… More
March 23rd, 2020
[NHC] Presentation: An Update on COVID-19 for the National Housing Conference [PowerPoint]
National Housing Conference; NHC; PowerPoint; presentation; slides; webinar; University of Illinois at Chicago; epidemiology; biostatistics; 2020; | An Update on COVID-19 for the National Housing Conference More
February 21st, 2020
Presentation: Lead-Safe Toolkit for Home-Based Child Care Series Session 1: Lead in Paint [text]
CEHN; Children’s Environmental Health Network; Eco-Healthy Child Care; NAFCC; National Association for Family Child Care; CCAoA; Child Care Aware of America; JPB Foundation; daycare; daycare; child care; childcare; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead-based paint; LBP;… More
February 20th, 2020
Presentation: Lead-Safe Toolkit for Home-Based Child Care Session 1: Lead in Paint [slides]
CEHN; Children’s Environmental Health Network; Eco-Healthy Child Care; NAFCC; National Association for Family Child Care; CCAoA; Child Care Aware of America; JPB Foundation; daycare; daycare; child care; childcare; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead-based paint; LBP;… More
January 15th, 2020
Presentation: Understanding EPA’s Proposed Changes to the Lead and Copper Rule [slides]
PowerPoint; presentation; webinar; National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; NSHHC; Nse Obot Witherspoon; Tom Neltner; Lindsay McCormack; EDF; Environmental Defense Fund; CEHN; Children’s Environmental Health Network; EPA; Environmental Protection Agency; Lead and Copper Rule; drinking… More
December 6th, 2019
Presentation: Getting Ahead of Lead: Can Predictive Modeling Help Prevent Childhood Lead Exposure? [notes]
PowerPoint; presentation; webinar; Rayid Ghani; Read Holman; Janna Kerins; Raed Mansour; Chicago; Illinois; Chicago Department of Public Health; University of Chicago; data; lead exposure; 2019; | Getting Ahead of Lead: Can Predictive Modeling Help Prevent… More
December 6th, 2019
Presentation: Getting Ahead of Lead: Can Predictive Modeling Help Prevent Childhood Lead Exposure? [slides]
PowerPoint; presentation; webinar; Rayid Ghani; Read Holman; Janna Kerins; Raed Mansour; Chicago; Illinois; Chicago Department of Public Health; University of Chicago; data; lead exposure; 2019; | Getting Ahead of Lead: Can Predictive Modeling Help Prevent… More
November 25th, 2019
Presentation: Climate Change and the Environment: Respiratory Impacts, General Health Risks, and the IAQ Implications of Increased Flooding and Wildfires [slides]
PowerPoint; presentation; webinar; climate change; Aileen Gagney; Tribal Healthy Homes Network; Jeff Demain; Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center of Alaska; University of Washington; School of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences; WWAMI School of Medical Education;… More