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Date: July 10th, 2020

Type: Videos

Status: Active

Project: CDC

HUD Webinar: Health Department Strategies for Implementing Health in All Policies (HiAP) to Reduce and Prevent Lead Exposure.

Recording date: July 10, 2020.
Conference premiere date: July 28, 2020.

This presentation was originally hosted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as part of their National Healthy Homes Conference in 2020. NCHH thanks HUD for their generosity in allowing us to share their presentation here.

• Amanda Reddy, MS; Executive Director, National Center for Healthy Housing, Columbia, MD.
• Bridget Kerner, Senior Program Analyst, National Association of County and City Health Officials, Washington, DC.
• Kerry Wyss, Director of Environmental Health, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Arlington, VA.
• Sandra Whitehead, Consultant, National Environmental Health Association, Washington, DC.
• Audrey Keenan, Project Coordinator, National Environmental Health Association, Denver, CO
• Gabriell Gassaway, Program Coordinator, Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness, Louisville, KY.
• Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis, Executive Director, Women for a Healthy Environment, Pittsburgh, PA.

Description: This session provides an overview of grantee accomplishments and lessons learned during the first two years of the Health in All Policies (HiAP) + Lead Collaborative and a brief overview of the tools and resources available to other communities looking to use HiAP strategies to advance their lead prevention work.

The HiAP + Lead Collaborative, supported through cooperative agreements with CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health, is a partnership between the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), and the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) to provide flexible, on-demand technical assistance to grantee communities working to implement a HiAP strategy as part of their lead poisoning prevention implementation program and activities. Three grantee communities, Allegheny County Department of Health/Women for a Healthy Environment, Houston Health Department Bureau of Community and Children’s Environmental Health, and Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness, were selected in year one of this initiative, with continuing support extended into year two. These HiAP + Lead mini-grants exemplify projects that build and support cross-sector relationships, integrate data systems, and incorporate health into a variety of existing decision-making processes. The experience of these recipients, and lessons learned by the collaborative, will significantly expand the range of models and best practices using a Health in All Policies approach to reduce childhood lead exposure by strengthening linkages of lead-exposed children to recommended services and strengthening targeted, population-based interventions.

Specifically, goals of this panel presentation include:

• Describing the purpose of this collaborative HiAP project and the role of key stakeholders.
• Providing an overview of HiAP and health department initiatives from a national perspective.
• Highlighting how state and local health departments can collaborate through a HiAP approach to provide support for lead exposure prevention initiatives.
• Providing an overview of the work completed by multiple health department grantees, including overarching successes and challenges specific to this opportunity.
• Delving deeper into specific grantee efforts to reduce and prevent lead exposure through a HiAP lens.