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Crowdsourcing for Affordable Housing and Community Development

Crowdsourcing leverages social networking tools to create funding, build support, and gather input into specific projects. Although not the standard method currently used by many healthcare, affordable housing or community development practitioners, crowdsourcing provides a novel option to funding healthy housing projects through loans, grants, and other common tools.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Crowdsourcing
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Crowdsourcing documents how Bristol, CT, crowdsourced its downtown redevelopment and provides step-by-step instructions to help other communities use crowdsourcing for their revitalization efforts. [url; Cool Town Studios].

For more information, also see:

Crowdsourcing for a Common Good: A Community Development Approach
Highlights various ways and places crowdsourcing has been utilized in a community development context, either to raise funds for specific projects, gain community input and support, or to help respond to disasters.
[url; Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta]