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Numerous foundations, both national and community, fund healthy housing and community development efforts, from a healthcare, affordable housing, or sustainable, smart growth perspective. Funding cycles may vary, as may focus areas, from one year to the next.

The Foundation Center
Resource for information about philanthropic organizations; maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and their grants. The site provides a robust library of research, education, and training programs about philanthropic opportunities. Health Fund Watch is the Foundation Center’s newsletter on health-related topics. It provides links to health-related news and resources, as well as highlights funding opportunities for individuals and organizations. [url; Foundation Center]

Community Foundations
Council on Foundations (COF) provides a map and listing of community foundations across the country. Community Foundations generally only fund efforts within a specific community and/or region. You can click on the site map to see a listing of COF Community Foundations for each state. Listings provide contact information and links to Foundations’ sites, which offer more specific information about the types of support they offer. [url; COF]

  • Example: Episcopal Health Foundation
    Based in Houston, Texas, the Foundation was established through a transfer of the St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas to Catholic Health Initiatives. The Foundation operates as a supporting organization of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, working to improve the health and well-being of the 10 million people living in the 57 counties of the Diocese. [url; Episcopal Health Foundation]

Healthy Futures Fund
Uses LIHTCs and New Market Tax Credits to expand low-income residents’ access to healthcare and affordable housing. Funding supports construction of affordable housing units with integrated health services and federally qualified health centers. The fund also attempts to expand collaboration between affordable housing developers and healthcare providers. [url; Healthy Futures Fund]

Home Depot Foundation
The Home Depot Foundation offers Community Impact Grants of up to $5,000 to registered nonprofit organizations to help fund community projects. [url; Home Depot Foundation]
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)

Supports multiyear research and innovative programs designed to move the needle on community health. Most grants are awarded via calls for proposals (CFPs). RWJF also accepts brief proposals for projects to solving health and health care problems. Health Beyond Healthcare: Housing addresses RWJF’s interest in building the integration of housing with health initiatives. List of recent grant awards. [url; RWJF]

Funder Affinity Groups
Several funder collaboratives, or “affinity” groups, have formed to share information, build awareness, and in some cases pool funding to support healthy housing and community efforts. Although not all of the organizations listed provide funding, they may provide information on the foundations and corporate giving programs working in the healthy housing and community arena. The Grantseeker’s Guide to Foundation Affinity Groups provides a broader list of Affinity Groups, information about their focus areas, and strategies to help non-profits work with them. [url; Blue Avocado]

Health and Housing Funders’ Forum
Created to align philanthropic funding plans and priorities in the housing and health space. Fosters collaboration between philanthropic organizations to make a significant impact in the areas of healthy housing and healthy communities for vulnerable populations. Members help create a multidisciplinary impact in areas such as health equity, sustainability, housing and community development, and public health. [url; NCHH]

BUILD Health Challenge
Funder collective supporting integrative health interventions created through collaborations between health systems, community-based organizations and leaders, and local health departments. Challenge goal is to identify, support, and put a spotlight on best practice models and innovative approaches which focus on upstream factors such as the built environment, transportation and housing that influence health. [url; BUILD Health Challenge]

Grantmakers-in-Health (GIH)
Educational organization focused on helping foundations and corporate giving programs improve the health of all people. Generates and disseminates information about health issues and grantmaking strategies that work in health by offering issue-focused forums, workshops, and large annual meetings; publications; continuing education and training; technical assistance; consultation on programmatic and operational issues; and by conducting studies of health philanthropy. [url; Grantmakers-in-Health]

Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
The Funders’ Network is a membership organization that helps grantmakers advance strategies to create fair, prosperous, and sustainable regions and communities. Several working or “affinity” groups of funders, focused on issues related to healthy housing and communities, have evolved from the Funders’ Network including:
[url; Funders’ Network]

  • Partners for Places A matching grant program that helps improve communities by building partnerships between local government sustainability offices and place-based foundations. National funders invest in local projects to promote a healthy environment, a strong economy, and well-being of all residents.
  • Restoring Prosperity in Older Industrial Cities A working group focused on neighborhood revitalization, transportation and land issues, and economic development in older industrial cities that have been significantly impacted by the recession and sprawling development patterns. The group works to bolster federal and state policy, foster capacity building, and promote best local/regional models and practices.

Enterprise Community Partners
National nonprofit intermediary supporting preservation and development of affordable housing. In addition to the Enterprise Green Communities (EGC) program, which is specifically geared toward affordable green housing development and rehabilitation, Enterprise’s Health and Housing Initiative helps link low-income housing and healthcare. Enterprise Community Investment offers low-income housing funding via LIHTC, New Market Tax Credits, and a Community Loan Fund. [url; Enterprise Community Partners]