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State and Local Funding Opportunities

Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Although LIHEAP funds are allocated to the states by the federal government, states administer the funds. LIHEAP funds used for weatherization are limited to 15% of the available funding (or up to 25% with a waiver from HHS). Beyond this requirement, states have much discretion in designing and implementing their respective LIHEAP programs. [url; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services]

LIHEAP Clearing Housing
This resource provides information about individual state programs, including administrative and delivery practices, and links directly to the state and local administering agency. It also provides “Snapshots” of key LIHEAP characteristics found in each program, and details of its non-federal low-income energy programs (state- and utility-funded, and charitable) are also available. [url; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services]

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Funding Guide
This guide helps communities identify and access funding resources for community health initiatives. [url; County Health Rankings]

State and Local Housing Trust Funds
These funds are established by state and local governments that receive dedicated public monies to support preservation and production of affordable housing. Although access to funds varies, housing renovation and repair is an essential eligible use in nearly every state and local housing trust fund. A list of state and local housing trust funds is available here. If your jurisdiction does not have an existing housing trust fund, the Housing Trust Fund Project offers more information and technical assistance to help establish a trust fund locally. [url; Center for Community Change Housing Trust Fund Project]

  • Example: Polk County Housing Trust Fund
    The Polk County Housing Trust Fund created the Healthy Homes East Bank (HHEB) (Healthy Homes Des Moines) intervention to reduce clinic and hospital visits tied to pediatric asthma in three low-income neighborhoods. The program uses health education and community health workers to raise families’ awareness, and home repairs to improve indoor air quality. [url; Polk County Housing Trust Fund]
  • Example: Washington State Housing Trust Fund
    The Washington State Housing Trust Fund supports weatherization and home repair programs to reduce energy dependence while decreasing energy costs for low-income families and improving the health and safety of their homes. [url; Housing Consortium]