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Evidence for Impact on Health and Cost-Effectiveness

Below are lists of selected reports and articles that demonstrate the impact that housing interventions and policies can have on both health and cost-effectiveness.


Jacobs, D. E., & Baeder, A. (2009, January). Housing interventions and health: A review of the evidence. National Center for Healthy Housing.

Hoppin, P., Jacobs, M., & Stillman, L. (2010, August). Investing in best practices for asthma: A business case ‎– August 2010 update. Asthma Regional Council, Health Resources in Action, and University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Hoppin, P. Stillman, L., & Jacobs, M. (2010, February). Asthma: A business case for employers and health care purchasers. Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, University of Massachusetts Lowell and the Asthma Regional Council.

Brett, M., & Stillman, L. (2009). The role of pest control in effective asthma management: A business case. Asthma Regional Council of New England and the Boston Public Health Commission.

Isasi, F., Tewarson, H., & Pandit, S. (2015, April 15). Health investments that pay off: Strategies for addressing asthma in children. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices.


Brown, M. J., Gardner, J., Sargent, J. D., Swartz, K., Hu, H., & Timperi R. (2001, April). The effectiveness of housing policies in reducing children’s lead exposure. American Journal of Public Health, 91(4), 621-624.

Clark, S., Galke, W., Succop, P., Grote, J., McLaine, P., Wilson, J., Dixon, S., Menrath, W., Roda, S., Chen, M., Bornschein, R., & Jacobs, D. (2011, February). Effects of HUD-supported lead hazard control interventions in housing on children’s blood lead. Environmental Research, 111(2), 301-311.

Crocker, D. D., Kinyota, S, Dumitru, G. G., Ligon, C. B., Herman, E. J., Ferdinands, J. M., Hopkins, D. P., Lawrence, B. M., Sipe, T. A., Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2011, August). Effectiveness of home-based, multi-trigger, multicomponent interventions with an environmental focus for reducing asthma morbidity: A community guide systematic review. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 41(2 Suppl 1), S5-S32.

Dixon, S. L., Jacobs, D. E., Wilson, J. W., Akoto, J. Y., Nevin, R., & Scott Clark, C. (2012, February). Window replacement and residential lead paint hazard control 12 years later. Environmental Research, 113, 14-20.

Leighton, J., Klitzman, S., Sedlar, S., Matte, T., & Cohen, N. L. (2003, July). The effect of lead-based paint hazard remediation on blood lead levels of lead poisoned children in New York City. Environmental Research, 92(3),182-190.

Nurmagambetov, T. A., Barnett, S. B., Jacob, V., Chattopadhyay, S. K., Hopkins, D. P., Crocker, D. D., Dumitru, G. G., Kinyota, S., Task Force on Community Preventive Services. (2011, August). Economic value of home-based, multi-trigger, multicomponent interventions with an environmental focus for reducing asthma morbidity: A community guide systematic review. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 41(2 Suppl 1), S33-S47.

Strauss, W., Pivetz, T., Ashley, P., Menkedick, J., Slone, E., & Cameron, S. (2005, October). Evaluation of lead hazard control treatments in four Massachusetts communities through analysis of blood-lead surveillance data. Environmental Research, 99(2), 214-223.