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Healthcare Financing Survey Responses, by State

Information presented about each state:

  • Any reimbursement in place: Is there any Medicaid reimbursement in place for these services (ranging from a required statewide benefit to an allowable service that may only be available on a limited scale)?
  • Exploring: Are there efforts under way to seek or expand reimbursement for these services?
  • Geographic coverage: Is the reimbursable service available statewide or only in a limited number of jurisdictions?
  • Eligibility for services (asthma only): Who is eligible for the services (e.g., adults, children)?
  • (Other) eligibility requirements: What types of criteria are used to determine eligibility for the services?
  • Types of services covered: What types of activities are part of the reimbursable service?
  • Staffing: What types of staff provide the reimbursable services?

Note that states were presented with multiple choice answers for each question, so the actual nature of services in place may vary from state to state. Additionally, in some states, reimbursement may be in place but is quite limited. Click to read more about the survey.

Alabama (AL)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Unsure
Eligibility for services: Children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Information not available
Staffing: Social workers
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; phone-based education; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs; sanitarian or EH professional
Alaska (AK)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Arizona (AZ)
No response to survey
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Arkansas (AR)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
California (CA)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Limited coverage
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; low-cost supplies; self-management education
Staffing: Nurses; respiratory therapists; certified asthma educators (AE-C)
Case Study: Medicare Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services [pdf] LEAD
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs; sanitarian or EH professional
Colorado (CO)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs; sanitarian or EH professional
Connecticut (CT)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; in-home education about how to reduce or avoid exposure to asthma triggers; low-cost supplies; self-management education
Staffing: Nurses
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Delaware (DE)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Limited coverage
Eligibility for services: Children
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about how to reduce or avoid exposure to asthma triggers; low-cost supplies; self-management education
Staffing: CHWs; certified asthma educators (AE-C)
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services [pdf] LEAD
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Florida (FL)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Georgia (GA)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure
Staffing: Nurses; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector; housing professional
Hawaii (HI)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Idaho (ID)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age
Types of services covered: In-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination
Staffing: Information not available
Illinois (IL)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence
Staffing: Sanitarian or EH professional
Indiana (IN)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Iowa (IA)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence
(or day care or school); in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
Kansas (KS)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Kentucky (KY)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered:
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; phone-based education; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
Louisiana (LA)
No response to survey
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Maine (ME)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Maryland (MD)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Information not available
Eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Information not available
Staffing: Information not available
Massachusetts (MA)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Limited coverage
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Recent hospitalization or ED visit; other healthcare utilization; asthma control test score; ZIP code of patient’s residence
Types of services covered: Assessment of the primary residence; in-home education about how to avoid or reduce exposure to asthma triggers; low-cost supplies; self-management education
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Michigan (MI)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Limited coverage
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; in-home education about how to reduce or avoid exposure to asthma triggers; self-management education
Staffing: Nurses; social workers; respiratory therapists; certified asthma educators (AE-C)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; phone-based education; lead hazard control activities; enforcement activities; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination; other
Staffing: Nurses; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
Minnesota (MN)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; in-home education about how to reduce or avoid exposure to asthma triggers; self-management education
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs; certified asthma educators (AE-C)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Phone-based education; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses
Mississippi (MS)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Missouri (MO)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services [pdf] LEAD
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; enforcement activities; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses; lead inspector; other
Montana (MT)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Nebraska (NE)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Nevada (NV)
No response to survey
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
New Hampshire (NH)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Limited coverage
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; in-home education about how to reduce or avoid exposure to asthma triggers; low-cost supplies; structural remediation; self-management education
Staffing: Nurses; respiratory therapists; certified asthma educators (AE-C); housing professional
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; phone-based education; lead hazard control activities; enforcement activities; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination
Staffing: Nurses; lead inspector
New Jersey (NJ)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; phone-based education; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses
New Mexico (NM)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
New York (NY)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Self-management education
Staffing: Nurses; respiratory therapists
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services [pdf] LEAD
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about how to eliminate or reduce exposure to lead hazards; lead hazard control activities; enforcement activities; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector; housing professional
North Carolina (NC)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility for services: Information not available
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about how to reduce or avoid exposure to asthma triggers; structural remediation; self-management education
Staffing: Nurses
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); in-home education about reduction/elimination of lead hazard exposure; lead hazard control activities; enforcement activities; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination
Staffing: Sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
North Dakota (ND)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Ohio (OH)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; in-home education about how to eliminate or reduce exposure to lead hazards; phone-based education; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Nurses; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Lead Follow-Up Services [pdf]
Oklahoma (OK)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; clinical or nursing case management
Staffing: Lead inspector
Oregon (OR)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Limited coverage
Eligibility for services: Children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Assessment of primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school); self-management education
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs; certified asthma educators (AE-C); sanitarian or EH professional
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Pennsylvania (PA)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence
Staffing: Nurses; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
Rhode Island (RI)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; in-home education about how to eliminate or reduce exposure to lead hazards; enforcement activities; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination
Staffing: CHWs; lead inspector; nurses; CHWs
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Lead Follow-Up Services [pdf]
South Carolina (SC)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility for services: Children
Other eligibility requirements: Age
Types of services covered: In-home education about how to avoid or reduce exposure to asthma triggers
Staffing: Other
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services [pdf] LEAD
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; assessment of a second residence (or day care or school)
Staffing: Sanitarian or EH professional
South Dakota (SD)
No response to survey
No response to survey
Tennessee (TN)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Texas (TX)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; age; housing characteristics or location; enrollment in CHIP, Medicaid, or Health Home
Types of services covered: Other
Staffing: Nurses; lead inspector; other
Utah (UT)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Vermont (VT)
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility for services: Adults and children
Other eligibility requirements: Information not available
Types of services covered: Information not available
Staffing: Nurses; respiratory therapists; certified asthma educators (AE-C); sanitarian or EH professional; housing professional
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services [pdf] LEAD
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; in-home education about how to eliminate or reduce exposure to lead hazards; phone-based education; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination
Staffing: Sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
Virginia (VA)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Washington (WA)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: Yes
Geographic coverage: Limited coverage
Eligibility for services:
Other eligibility requirements: Age; recent hospitalization or ED visit other healthcare utilization; ZIP code of patient’s residence; referral from school or day care
Types of services covered: Information not available
Staffing: Nurses; CHWs; certified asthma educators (AE-C); environmental health or housing professional
Case Study: Medicaid Reimbursement for Home-Based Asthma Services [pdf] LEAD
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
West Virginia (WV)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Wisconsin (WI)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: Yes
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: Statewide
Eligibility requirements: BLL; housing characteristics or location
Types of services covered: Assessment of patient’s primary residence; in-home education about how to eliminate or reduce exposure to lead hazards; phone-based education; clinical or nursing case management; service coordination
Staffing: Nurses; sanitarian or EH professional; lead inspector
Wyoming (WY)
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility for services: N/A
Other eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A
Any reimbursement in place: No
Exploring: No
Geographic coverage: N/A
Eligibility requirements: N/A
Types of services covered: N/A
Staffing: N/A