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Indoor Air Quality Tools


Data can be a helpful tool in designing programs and services and in advocating for change. This page contains examples of data sets that can help identify significant IAQ problems and help you evaluate the impact of your program.

Asthma Disparities in America 
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America’s webpage highlights their report, Asthma Disparities in America: A Roadmap to Reducing Burden on Racial and Ethnic Minorities, which describes how asthma affects Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous Americans. [url; AAFA, 2020]

CDC EPHT: Indicators and Data on Radon Testing
This web map data tracker comprises data on pre-mitigation radon levels and radon tests conducted pre- and post-mitigation. The map can be configured to show these criteria from the information reported by states or labs. The measurements can be viewed at the county level for select states or nationwide level for select states. This information is potentially helpful in understanding the historical landscape of radon testing and radon levels in a given state. [url; CDC, 2022]

CDC: Most Recent Asthma Data 
Using data from national and state surveillance systems administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these tables feature the latest national and state statistics on the burden of asthma among children and adults. [url; CDC, 2019]

CDC NCHS: Asthma FastStats 
The Center for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics page contains links to a range of national statistics on asthma prevalence, healthcare utilization, and disparities. [url; CDC, 2022]

State Radon Program Fact Sheets 
Kansas State University’s National Radon Program Services provides fact sheets for each state. Includes radon levels, enacted legislation, and/or legislative goals of each state. [url; KSU]

National Environmental Public Health Tracking: Radon Data
The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network has compiled radon testing data at the state and county levels for most of the continental United States. [url; CDC, 2022]

PurpleAir Real-Time Air Quality Map 
This web map is set to display real-time readings from public outdoor PurpleAir sensors across North America. Though not exhaustive, these measurements are helpful in seeing general trends in indoor air quality in certain areas of the country. [url; Purple Air]

Environmental Health State Bill Tracking Database
The National Conference of State Legislatures tracks environmental health bills that have been introduced across the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia. Environmental health legislation addresses environmental factors that may harm human health or the ecological balances essential to long-term human health and environmental quality, whether in the natural or human-made environment. [url; NCSL, 2022. [url; NCSL, 2022]

Asthma Capitals 2022: The Most Challenging Places to Live with Asthma
This report from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America raises awareness about the nationwide impacts of asthma. Asthma Capitals ranks the 100 largest cities according to critical health outcomes, including asthma prevalence, emergency department visits due to asthma, and asthma mortality and examines other risk factors influencing health outcomes. [pdf; AAFA, 2022]


Latest page update: March 8, 2023.