Alliance Publications
The list below compiles many of the articles, reports, and other official papers published or copublished by the Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning (AECLP) and the Alliance for Healthy Homes (AFHH). The Alliance for Healthy Homes merged with the National Center for Healthy Housing in 2010; pursuant to that merger, the National Center for Healthy Housing owns and curates the Alliance’s remarkable resource library.
This archive is a work in progress.
Health Policy Institute Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Poverty and Race Research Action Council, the Opportunity Agenda, & Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2008, July). Organizing to address minority health disparities: A directory of state and local initiatives. Washington, DC: Poverty and Race Research Action Council. Retrieved from
Malone, J. (2008, February). IPM policy options for residential real estate. Boston, MA: Boston Public Health Commission and the Asthma Regional Council of New England. Retrieved from
Cramer, D., & Zdenek, R. O. (2006, November 23). A merger of equals. Shelterforce, 148. Retrieved from
Zdenek, R. O., Scott, R., Malone, J., & Gumm, B. Reclaiming New Orleans’ working-class communities. In G. D. Squires & C. Hartman (Eds.). (2006). There is no such thing as a natural disaster: Race, class, and Hurricane Katrina (pp. 167-183). New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2006, August). Effective practices for enforcing codes to ensure decent housing condition (Revised). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2005). Lead hazards and other housing-based health hazards in ten high-risk inner city communities. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2005, November). Managing hurricane recovery for healthy and affordable communities: A guide for organizations, agencies, and policy makers. Washington, DC: Author. Retrived from
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2005, October). Building blocks for primary prevention: Protecting children from lead-based paint hazards. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health. Retrieved from
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2005, September). Not ready for prime time: Electronic grant application submission requirements during HUD’s FY 2005 SuperNOFA process, as experienced by some healthy homes and lead hazard control applicants. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Wengrovitz, A. M. (2005, August). Stuck in neutral: States neglect lead testing duty to children served by Medicaid. Washington, DC: Alliance for Healthy Homes. Retrieved from
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2005, June). Understanding new national data on lead poisoning. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Rapuano, M., & Phelps, A. M. (2005, May-June). Leveraging the Federal Lead Hazard Disclosure Law to improve housing conditions. Clearinghouse Review Journal of Poverty Law and Policy, 39(1-2), 37-51. Retrieved from
Scott, R. (2005, March 1). Advocates for healthy housing. Shelterforce, 140. Retrieved from
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2004, December). Lead-safe housing policy guidance. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Wengrovitz, A. G. (2004, June). Overcoming barriers to data-sharing related to the HIPAA privacy rule: A guide for state and local childhood lead poisoning prevention programs. Washington, DC: Alliance for Healthy Homes. Retrieved from
Alliance for Healthy Homes. (2003, September). Model state/local leadf disclosure law. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (2002, November). A brief guide to options for improving Medicaid lead screening. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance for Healthy Homes (Ed.). (2002). The community tool kit: An advocate’s tool for improving lead screening in your community. Washington, DC: Editor.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (2002, April). Preventing childhood lead poisoning through code enforcement: Ten effective strategies [Revised]. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Ryan, D., & Farr, N. (2002). Confronting the ethical challenges of environmental health research. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 5507(1-3). Retrieved from
Ryan, D. (2002). Coming to grips with lead-based paint. Rural Voices, 7(4), 17-19. Retrieved from
Ryan, D., & Scott, R. (2001, November-December). New environmental sampling and right-to-know strategies for housing and tenants’ rights advocates. Journal of Poverty Law and Policy, (35)7-8, 447-456. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning (Ed.). (2001, November). Lead screening for children in the Medicaid program: A tool kit. Washington, DC: Editor.
Scott, R., & Ryan, D. (2001, November 1). Housing advocates track indoor environmental hazards to spur improvements. Shelterforce, 120. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (2001, November). Another link in the chain update: State policies and practices for case management and environmental investigations for lead-poisoned children. Washington, DC: Authors. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (2001, September). Track, monitor, and respond: Three keys to better lead screening for children in Medicaid. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Ryan, D. (2001, August 28). Research on lead hazards is solution, not problem. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved from
Ryan, D. (2001, May-June). Turning the corner on lead-based paint. Journal of Housing and Community Development, 14-21.
Brown, M. J., Shanessa, E., & Tips, N. (2001, April). Small area analysis of risk for childhood lead poisoning. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. Retrieved from
Tips, N. (2001, April). The foundations of better lead screening for children in Medicaid: Data systems and collaboration. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (2001, January). Innovative strategies for addressing lead hazards in distressed and marginal housing: A collection of best practices [Revised]. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (2000). Innovative strategies for addressing lead hazards in distressed and marginal housing: A collection of best practices. Washington, DC: Author.
Ryan, D., & Scott, R. (2000, November-December). The promise of environmental sampling and right-to-know laws for at-risk communities. Public Health Reports, 115, 511-520. Retrieved from
Rapuano, M., Ryan, D., Malone, J., Rochow, K. W. J., Scott, R., & Guthrie, A. (2000, July). Action plan to make high-risk housing lead-safe. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (2000, April). Preventing childhood lead poisoning through code enforcement: Ten effective strategies. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1999, October). Analysis of the housing stock. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1999, June). Another link in the chain: State policies and practices for case management and environmental investigations for lead-poisoned children. Washington, DC: Authors. Retrieved from
Ryan, D., Levy, B., Pollack, S., & Walker, B., Jr. (1999, June). Protecting children from lead poisoning and building healthy communities. American Journal for Public Health, 89(6), 822-824. Retrieved from
Dolbeare, C. N., & Ryan, D. (1997, January). Getting the lead out: Controlling lead paint hazards in housing. Shelterforce. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1996). Innovative financing sources for lead hazard control. Washington, DC: Author
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1995). Innovative financing sources for lead hazard control. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1995). International action plan for preventing lead poisoning. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1995). Directory of state and local childhood lead poisoning prevention advocates. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1994). Avoiding lead-based paint hazards on bridges and other steel structures: A report to the Federal Highway Administration. Washington, DC: Authors.
Rapuano, M., & Florini, K. (1994, May). The global dimensions of lead poisoning: An initial analysis. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & Environmental Defense Fund. Retrieved from
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1994). Building a lead-safe future – Second comprehensive national conference (May 16-18, 1994 Washington, D.C.): Final report. Washington, DC: Authors.
McManus, M., & Dunbar, J. (1994, January). Would your child be covered? Lessons for health reform from private health insurance lead poisoning coverage. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1994). Childhood lead poisoning: Developing prevention programs and mobilizing resources. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1994). Childhood lead poisoning: Resources for prevention. Washington, DC: Author.
Rochow, K. W. J., & Rapuano, M. (1993). Childhood lead poisoning: Blueprint for prevention. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1993, July). Blueprint for prevention: Primary prevention strategies handbook volume I. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & Conservation Law Foundation. (1993, July). Model state law: Lead poisoning prevention act. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1993, June). A framework for action to make private housing safe: A proposal to focus national attention. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1993, April). Making the most of Medicaid: State progress in childhood lead poisoning prevention. Washington, DC: Author.
McNulty, M. (1993, February). A guide to Medicaid for childhood lead poisoning prevention programs and other public health providers. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1993, January). Understanding Title X: A practical guide to the residential lead-based paint hazard reduction act of 1992. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1993, January). National action plan for preventing childhood lead poisoning. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1992). Preventing childhood lead poisoning – The first comprehensive national conference (October 6, 7 & 8, 1991 Washington, D.C.): Final report. Washington, DC: Authors.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1991, October). Guide to state lead screening laws. Washington, DC: Author.
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. (1991, October). Resource guide for financing lead-based paint cleanup. Washington, DC: Author.
Ryan, D. (n.d.). Respecting and protecting the rights of families and tenants: Ethical issues arising out of testing for housing-related health hazards as an organizing and advocacy tool. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. Retrieved from
Latest page update: March 13, 2025.