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Community Health Worker Services Technical Briefs

Community health workers (CHWs) provide services that address the social and environmental determinants of health, including preventive, home-, and community-based health services. In 2014, Medicaid established a new pathway for reimbursement for CHW services. The “preventive services rule change” gives states the option to reimburse nonlicensed practitioners, including CHWs, for preventive services recommended by a licensed practitioner.

With generous funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the National Center for Healthy Housing worked with the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health and the Childhood Asthma Leadership Coalition to publish two technical briefs about community health worker services in 2018.

Advancing the Role of Community Health Workers: Engaging State Medicaid Offices to Develop State Plan Amendments

Community Health Workers: Delivering Home-Based Asthma Services