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Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Case Studies

While several states or individual managed care organizations provide Medicaid coverage for services delivered in the home environment related to asthma and lead exposure, some others utilize other financing mechanisms as either a complement or an alternative to healthcare financing. The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) interviewed several states providing one or more home-based asthma services, childhood lead services, or healthy home services using funding other than Medicaid or grants; the interviews provided information on the various funding mechanisms and how they operate, the programs being funded and how they operate, outcome and evaluation information (where available), and lessons learned. These financing mechanisms can be a model for other states, and the information has been compiled into brief summaries available here by state, focus area, and funding type.

With generous funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, NCHH published this series of 12 case studies in 2017 and 2019.

Maine’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund 

Massachusetts’ Get the Lead Out Loan Program

Massachusetts’ Lead Education Trust Fund 

Massachusetts’ Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund (PWTF) 

Montana’s Asthma Home Visiting Program (MAP)

New Jersey’s ReHEET (Residential Health, Energy and Environmental Transformation) 

New York’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program

New York’s Healthy Neighborhoods Program

New York’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

New York’s Regional Lead Resource Centers

Multnomah County, Oregon’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (Leadline) 

Washington’s Weatherization Plus Health (WxPlusHealth)


Strategies Toward Sustainability: More Financing Mechanisms for Healthy Homes Services