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Other NCHH Fact Sheets

This section collects standalone fact sheets published by NCHH.

Note: As of January 2024, our popular Childhood Lead Poisoning fact sheets are now located here.

10 Valuable Healthy Homes Resources for Home-Based Child Care Providers [2021]

The American Rescue Plan: Opportunities to Address Lead Hazards in Homes [2021]

The American Rescue Plan: Opportunities to Address Lead in Paint and Pipes [2021]

Background on the Importance of Healthy Housing for Older Adults [2008]

Building Systems to Improve Indoor Air Quality: Flexible Technical Assistance to Support Policy and Systems Change [2024] NEW

Carpets and Healthy Homes [2008]

Costs for Creating a Healthier Home [2018]

Federal Funding for Rural Healthy Housing [2023] This fact sheet provides an overview of federal programs from USDA, EPA, and HUD that provide funding to rural communities, organizations, and individuals. The fact sheet includes information on each program’s purpose, funding amount, and impact.

Green and Healthy Property Maintenance Costs and Activities [2007]

Healthy Homes Maintenance Checklist [2018; also available en español]

Healthy Homes Maintenance Checklist for Thermal Control: Extreme Cold [2022]

Healthy Homes Maintenance Checklist for Thermal Control: Extreme Heat [2022]

Healthy Homes Priorities for Homeowners [2009]

Our Impact [2024] REVISED
NCHH’s work is underpinned by the mission of transforming lives by transforming housing and a clear vision to translate credible science into tools and catalyze systems change in low-income communities through partnerships, community-based research, and advocacy.

The Principles of a Healthy Home [2022]  
A healthy home is one that is dry, clean, safe, ventilated, free of pests and contaminants, well maintained, and thermally comfortable. In addition, homes should be affordable and accessible to all people, regardless of age or ability.

Rural Healthy Housing and Environmental Health [2023] 
This fact sheet from NCHH and NEHA provides a snapshot of key healthy housing and environmental health issues in rural communities and is intended as an introduction to the topic.

Tailored, Flexible, Responsive: Technical Assistance (TA) NCHH’s Way [2022]

Testing for Lead in Consumer Items for Children [2007] Recalls of children’s toys, jewelry, clothing and other products have prompted consumers to consider what lead hazards may exist in their homes. While the top source of environmental lead exposure is likely dust from deteriorated lead-based paint, some children’s toys, jewelry, clothing, ceramic, cookware, and other consumer products may also contain lead.

Toys and Childhood Lead Exposure [2007]

The Unjust Consequences of Providence Water’s Partial Lead Pipe Replacements [2022]

Voices from the Field: Healthy Housing Training and Workforce Development Needs and Opportunities [2024] NEW

The Zika Virus: Mitigation Through the Enforcement of the International Property Maintenance Code [2017; with the International Code Council]


Latest page update: January 2, 2025.