April 15th, 2024

NCHH, ASTHO, and PHI Announce Lead Poisoning Prevention Mini-Grant Recipients

NCHH, ASTHO, and PHI Announce Lead Poisoning Prevention Mini-Grant Recipients Media Contact: Christopher Bloom, cbloom@nchh.org; 443.539.4154 COLUMBIA, MD (April 2, 2024) — The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH), in collaboration with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials… More

June 27th, 2023

Lead Service Lines: Connecting to Environmental Justice

Lead Service Lines: Connecting to Environmental Justice by Sarah Goodwin and Anthony Santiago Replacement of lead service lines has become an important public health and environmental justice goal from government leaders over the past several years, from… More

January 27th, 2023

NCHH Joins the Biden-Harris Get the Lead Out Partnership

NCHH Joins the Biden-Harris Get the Lead Out Partnership Media Contact: Christopher Bloom, cbloom@nchh.org COLUMBIA, MD (January 27, 2023) — The National Center for Healthy Housing is pleased to be a inaugural member of the Biden-Harris Get… More

December 30th, 2022

Title X at 30: Opportunities for Refinement

Title X at 30: Opportunities for Refinement by Sarah Goodwin and David Jacobs Twenty Twenty-Two marked the 30th anniversary of the nation’s main lead poisoning prevention law, Title X of the 1992 Housing and Community Development Act.… More

December 23rd, 2022

A Healthy Housing Roundup of the FY23 Omnibus

A Healthy Housing Roundup of the FY23 Omnibus by Sarah Goodwin The air grows colder, offices begin to close for the holidays, and the end of the year approaches…. It must be time for another omnibus federal… More