August 25th, 2015

Remembering Congressman Stokes

Remembering Congressman Stokes by David Jacobs Representative Louis Stokes (D-OH) passed away Tuesday after a battle with cancer at age 90. More than anyone, he was responsible for launching the nation’s healthy homes effort at HUD more… More

May 8th, 2015

Reasonable Accommodations and Housing Code Compliance

Reasonable Accommodations and Housing Code Compliance by Tom Neltner Ideally, a landlord who gets a complaint from a tenant about cockroaches, mice, water damage, or mold in a building will promptly assess the complaint and, if it… More

March 24th, 2015

NCHH Takes to the Hill

NCHH Takes to the Hill by Christopher Bloom Last Tuesday, March 17, a small but mighty group, led by Julie Kruse, NCHH’s Director of Policy, visited 22 congressional offices in Washington, DC, to recommend full funding in… More

March 23rd, 2015

Sign Our Congressional Funding Letter Today!

Sign Our Congressional Funding Letter Today! by Julie Kruse Just under two weeks ago, I posted in this space, and asked all of you to sign on to a letter to Congress and  to call your representative… More

March 5th, 2015

Formaldehyde and Wood Products

Formaldehyde and Wood Products by Tom Neltner Chinese manufacturing companies have again exported unsafe products into the U.S. On March 1, a 60 Minutes exposé brought back memories of 2005, when thousands of people displaced by Hurricane… More