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NCHH25: Throwback Thursday

Have you heard that we’re reached a major milestone? As we look back at 25 years of service, we wanted to share photos of current and former staff who’ve made us what we are today, plus friends, family, allies, and other odds and ends. Look for a new throwback photo every Thursday.

Gallery 3

Weeks 27 through 39.

Week 27: October 5, 2017

Today’s #throwback comes from the 25th Anniversary Reunion Reception we held in Columbia on September 7. The purpose of the event was to look back at our first quarter-century of service and honor current and former staff for their contributions to both our success and to public health. In this picture, communications officer Christopher Bloom, left, talks shop with former marketing and development officer Phillip Dodge. Phillip is now the executive director for the Downtown Columbia Partnership. #NCHH25 #TBT. Thanks to Lloyd Wolf ( for all the great photos of this event. — with Phillip Dodge at Historic Oakland.

Christopher Bloom and Phillip Dodge at the NCHH25 reunion reception event, Columbia, MD, September 7, 2017. Background: Sherry Dixon, Ruth Lindberg, and Jonathan Wilson.


Week 28: October 12, 2017

Our executive director, Amanda Reddy, just spent the last two days in Birmingham, Alabama, with the great folks at National League of Cities (NLC). The reason for her visit was to attend NLC’s Regional Convening on Housing, Hazards, and Health, and she was so pleased to have attended. So, as a big shout-out to them, we’ve chosen this #throwback from earlier this summer (June 27, to be precise) of NLC’s Anthony Santiago and Amanda at a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development event. It’s always a pleasure to work with NLC, and we’re happy to say that we’re working on another project with them now. We think you’re really gonna love it. #TBT #NCHH25 — with Amanda Reddy in Washington, District of Columbia.

Amanda Reddy and Anthony Santiago

Anthony Santiago from National League of Cities with NCHH’s Amanda Reddy at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, 2017.


Week 29: October 19, 2017

Today’s #throwback comes from the 25th Anniversary Reunion Reception we held in Columbia on September 7. The purpose of the event was to look back at our first quarter-century of service and honor current and former staff for their contributions to both our success and to public health. In this picture, Deputy Director Jonathan Wilson, left, and Policy Advisor Darcy Scott catch up with Tom Neltner, who actually worked for NCHH twice. (He now continues his great service on behalf of Environmental Defense Fund.) Thanks to Lloyd Wolf for all of the great photos from this event. — at Historic Oakland#NCHH25 #TBT 

Jonathan Wilson, Tom Neltner, and Darcy Scott

Jonathan Wilson, Tom Neltner, and Darcy Scott at the NCHH25 reunion reception, Columbia, MD, September 7, 2017.


Week 30: October 26, 2017

Today’s #throwback is a great group photo from May 13, 2015. This group worked tirelessly for days to lay the groundwork for “Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services,” a suite of online training modules to equip communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to seek sustainable financing for home-based asthma services. You can learn more about this great tool here.

From left to right: Amanda Reddy, NCHH; Kanchan Pandey, G-Cube; Laura Fudala, NCHH; Santosh Misra, G-Cube; Katrin Kral, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Cary Sennett, then of Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), now principal of the Sennett Consulting Group; Tom Neltner, then of NCHH, now with Environmental Defense Fund; Ashley Gray, then of Medicaid Health Plans of America (MHPA), now with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association; Peter Ashley, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Kevin Kennedy, Children’s Mercy; Anne De Biasi, Trust for America’s Health; and Kathly Dolan, ASTHO (Association of State and Territorial Health Officials). #TBT #NCHH25

Amanda Reddy, Laura Fudala, and Tom Neltner

The EPA “Building Systems” design team, Washington, DC, May 13, 2015. From left to right: Amanda Reddy, NCHH; Kanchan Pandey, G-Cube; Laura Fudala, NCHH; Santosh Misra, G-Cube; Katrin Kral, EPA; Cary Sennett, then of Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA); Tom Neltner, then of NCHH; Ashley Gray, then of Medicaid Health Plans of America (MHPA); Peter Ashley, HUD; Kevin Kennedy, Children’s Mercy; Anne De Biasi, TFAH; and Kathly Dolan, ASTHO.


Week 31: November 2, 2017

Today’s #throwback is a great group photo from a site visit in Providence, RI, back on November 10, 2006. This was the weekend many of us got to know Ruth Lindberg, who would intern for NCHH and later work for us. Ruth is one of our all-time favorite people; the folks at The Pew Charitable Trusts are fortunate to have her. Unfortunately, some of the names are lost to the sands of time, but we’ll do the best we can. (Feel free to help us identify those we’ve forgotten.) #TBT #NCHH25

Rebecca Morley, Ruth Lindberg, and board

Front row, from left to right: Sandra Brock Jibrell, NCHH board; Rebecca Morley, then NCHH’s executive director; Marcheta Gilliam, NCHH board; Anne Romasco, NCHH board; Ruth Lindberg; (unknown). Back row, from left to right: Don Ryan, NCHH board; (unknown); Peter Simon, NCHH board; Charlie Wilkins NCHH board; (unknown); Dr. Tom Vernon, NCHH board chair (term ended).


Week 32: November 9, 2017

Today’s #throwback features four of our esteemed board members, (from left to right) Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Don Ryan, Joan Cleary, and Dr. Tom Vernon, at the National Healthy Housing Policy Summit back on May 7, 2009.

Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Don Ryan, Joan Cleary, and Tom Vernon

NCHH board members Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Don Ryan, Joan Cleary, and Dr. Tom Vernon at the National Healthy Housing Policy Summit, May 7, 2009.


Week 33: November 16, 2017

Today’s #throwback is a shot of Carol Kawecki (formerly of NCHH and now vice president of our for-profit subsidiary, Healthy Housing Solutions) chatting with one of the local kids at a community luncheon event in Worthington, MN, on November 11, 2006. (It snowed the night before the event, so we put down tarps on the grass under the tent so that attendees wouldn’t have to walk on snow.) The event was a great success. And as you can see, making new friends is often the best part of the job! Learn more about the project here#TBT #NCHH25

Carol Kawecki

NCHH’s Carol Kawecki making a new friend in Worthington, MN, November 11, 2006.


Week 34: November 23, 2017

Today’s #throwback is a group shot from the Congressional Briefing on Housing Hazards and Health in Washington, DC, on July 22, 2015. From left to right: Julie Kruse, NCHH policy director, 2014-2016; Erma Taylor, a community healthy housing advocate whose home NCHH worked on with our friends at Rebuilding Together; Kelleigh Eastman, who was poisoned by lead as a child; Dr. Joycelyn Elders, U.S. Surgeon General from 1993-1994 and an NCHH board member; and Amanda Reddy, then NCHH’s director of strategy and impact (and now executive director). Here’s a video of Julie and Dr. Elders from that briefing session#TBT #NCHH25

Julie Kruse, Erma Taylor, Kelleigh Eastman, Joycelyn Elders, and Amanda Reddy

These strong ladies briefed Congress on housing hazards and health in Washington, DC, on July 22, 2015. From left to right: Julie Kruse, NCHH; Erma Taylor and Kelleigh Eastman, healthy housing advocates; Dr. Joycelyn Elders, NCHH board; and Amanda Reddy, NCHH.


Week 35: November 30, 2017

Today’s #throwback is a snapshot of Rebecca Morley, NCHH’s executive director from 2002-2014, and then-project manager Susan Aceti at a May 2008 promotores meeting. Susan now manages the Healthy Housing Training Center for our for-profit subsidiary, Healthy Housing Solutions. See what the #HHTC has to offer here#healthyhousing #TBT #NCHH25

Rebecca Morley and Susan Aceti

Rebecca Morley and Susan Aceti at a May 2008 promotores meeting.  


Week 36: December 7, 2017

Today’s #throwback depicts a unique event that took place on June 4, 2015, between board and staff. On the far side of the table were NCHH staff, while NCHH board members have their backs to the camera. We called it our “speed dating” event, and it was a great way for staff and board to get to know each other better by asking or answering one of a series of icebreaker questions. It was also designed to be a way for everyone to get to know Nancy Rockett Eldridge, who had recently been selected to be NCHH’s third executive director. #TBT #NCHH25 — with Jill BreyssePhillip DodgeJulie KruseAmanda Reddy, and Joycelyn Elders.

NCHH Staff & Board Speed Dating Event

NCHH staff and board got together June 4, 2015, for dinner, preceded by this “speed dating” session. Facing the camera, left to right: Jill Breysse, Phillip Dodge, Julie Kruse, Amanda Reddy, Christopher Bloom, Noreen Beatley, Laura Titus, and Jonathan Wilson. Backs to the camera: Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Ann Evens, Rachael Gibson, Dr. Patrick Chalk, Don Ryan, Elyse Pivnick, Mark James, Nancy Rockett Eldridge, and Sawyer Mittelstaedt.


Week 37: December 14, 2017

Today’s #throwback is a snapshot from May 13, 2015, of (left to right) NCHH’s Amanda Reddy with Katrin Kral and Tracy Washington Enger from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These ladies took a quick photo break while working on a suite of online training modules to equip communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to seek sustainable financing for home-based asthma services. It’s called “Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services,” and you can learn more about it here: #TBT #NCHH25 — with Amanda Reddy and Tracy Washington Enger.

Amanda Reddy, Katrin Kral, and Tracy Enger

NCHH’s Amanda Reddy (left) with Katrin Kral and Tracy Enger, both from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), at the EPA “Building Systems” design team meeting, Washington, DC, May 13, 2015.


Week 38: December 21, 2017

This is a gift from all of us to you: one of our all-time favorite photos of two of our all-time favorite people. This picture of Ruth Lindberg, NCHH program manager from 2010-2013 (now with The Pew Charitable Trusts), and Phillip Dodge, NCHH’s marketing and development officer from 2007 to 2015 (now with the Downtown Columbia Partnership), was snapped during the off-hours of a work trip to #Cleveland back in…(maybe) 2011(?). (No one’s sure, really). Anyway, Phillip and Ruth are both fans of the modern holiday classic, A Christmas Story, and they were thrilled to tour the house where the film was shot. They were even more excited when they discovered these adult-size bunny jammies, resulting in what is possibly the greatest #throwback ever. We post this not only because it’s the season for it, but also because Ruth is just days away from delivering her first baby. You’re in our thoughts, Ruth! #TBT #NCHH25 #SeasonsGreetings #HappyHolidays #AChristmasStory #YoullShootYourEyeOut — with Ruth Lindberg and Phillip Dodge at A Christmas Story House.

Ruth Lindberg & Phillip Dodge

Ruth Lindberg and Phillip Dodge at the house used in the film A Christmas Story, Cleveland, OH, 2011.


Week 39: December 28, 2017

Today’s #throwback is a May 7, 2009, photo of Dr. Madeleine Shea, then the Assistant Commissioner for the Baltimore City Health Department and a member of the Alliance for Healthy Homes’ board of directors. When the Alliance merged with NCHH the following year, Dr. Shea joined the NCHH board. She now runs Health Management Associates, Inc., in Baltimore. This picture was taken at the National Healthy Housing Policy Summit in Washington, DC, an event convened by NCHH. It was at this summit that a group of nonprofit leaders and experts came together to develop the first National Healthy Housing Action Plan. Furthermore, this summit created the seed that grew into the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition (#NSHHC) later that year. This coalition of over 500 members (including 300 organizations) works to improve housing conditions nationally via education and outreach to key national stakeholders and federal public decision makers. Interested in making a difference in your state? It’s very easy to join the coalition: #NCHH25

Madeleine Shea

Dr. Madeleine Shea, then-Alliance for Healthy Homes and future NCHH board member, at the National Healthy Housing Policy Summit in Washington, DC, May 7, 2009.


On to photos 40 through 52.

Back to photos 14 through 26.