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NCHH25: Throwback Thursday

Have you heard that we’re reached a major milestone? As we look back at 25 years of service, we wanted to share photos of current and former staff who’ve made us what we are today, plus friends, family, allies, and other odds and ends. Look for a new throwback photo every Thursday.

Gallery 4

Weeks 40 through 52.

Week 40: January 4, 2018

As #WinterStormGrayson wallops the East Coast and terms like #BombCyclone and #Bombogenesis trend in the news, and things are generally pretty frigid everywhere, we’re reminded of this #throwback of NCHH’s Sherry Dixon and Amanda Reddy, along with Bill Menrath (University of Cincinnati) and Sherry’s nephew Brian on vacation in sunny Tobago, back in April of 2013. Amanda and Bill earned their scuba certifications while on the island (Sherry was already a certified rescue scuba diver). Wish we were there. #TBT #NCHH25 #WorkHardPlayHard

Bill Menrath, Sherry Dixon, Brian, and Amanda Reddy

Bill Menrath, Sherry Dixon, Brian, and Amanda Reddy enjoying the sun in Tobago, 2013.


Week 41: January 11, 2018

Today’s #throwback is a previously unpublished photo of Policy Advisor Darcy Scott and Project Manager Lillian Agbeyegbe sharing a laugh at NCHH’s 25th anniversary reunion reception back on September 7 of last year. We’re sharing it because today was Lillian’s last day with NCHH. We’re sorry to see her leave, but we wish her the very best on her next adventure. Photo by Lloyd Wolf ( #TBT #NCHH25

Darcy Scott and Lillian Agbeyegbe

Darcy Scott and Lillian Agbeyegbe at the NCHH25 reunion reception, Columbia, MD, September 7, 2017.


Week 42: January 18, 2018

Today’s #throwback is a candid shot of Erma Taylor and NCHH’s Amanda Reddy at a briefing on Capitol Hill, July 22, 2015. We originally met Erma through the folks at Rebuilding Together Arlington/Fairfax/Falls Church when we worked on creating a safer and healthier home for her family. As a result of this, Ms. Taylor has worked as a consumer healthy homes advocate, explaining the importance of healthy housing to members of Congress and their staff. #TBT #NCHH25

Erma Taylor and Amanda Reddy

Healthy housing advocate Erma Taylor and NCHH’s Amanda Reddy at a congressional briefing session, Washington, DC, July 22, 2015.

Week 43: January 25, 2018

Today’s #throwback dates back to the National Healthy Housing Standard release event at the National Press Club in DC on May 16, 2014–definitely a major highlight from our first quarter-century. In the photo, then-Executive Director Rebecca Morley is introducing Policy Director Jane Malone to Shaun Donovan, who was the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development secretary at the time. Longtime NCHH board member Mark James looks on. Do you know about the National Healthy Housing Standard? It’s a health-focused property maintenance policy that we designed in partnership with the American Public Health Association (APHA) that targets the nation’s 100 million existing homes: single- and multifamily, rental, and owner-occupied. It can be adopted as a regulation by government agencies and as a voluntary best practice by any property owner. Learn more and download your copy here. #TBT #NCHH25

HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan (left) greets Jane Malone (right) at the National Healthy Housing Standard launch event, as Rebecca Morley and board member Mark James look on, Washington, DC, May 16, 2014.


Week 44: February 1, 2018

Today’s #throwback goes back to July 16, 2008, when then-NCHH Executive Director Rebecca Morley appeared on the Today Show to talk about #leadpoisoning with Janice Lieberman Everyday Solutions. The feature was inspired by outreach NCHH conducted on the EPA Renovation, Painting, and Repair (#RRP) Rule, but also the general issue of childhood lead poisoning. Though this segment is nearly a decade old, #leadexposure remains an ever-present and serious health concern. Did you see the segment? If not, you can watch it here#TBT #NCHH25

Rebecca Morley and Janice Lieberman

Rebecca Morley explains lead-based paint exposure to Janice Lieberman on the on the “Today” Show, July 16, 2009.


Week 45: February 8, 2018

Today’s #throwback goes back to January 2006. Deputy Director Jonathan Wilson visited New Orleans as part of NCHH’s study of the effectiveness of #flood/#mold cleanup in the aftermath of the substantial flooding caused by #HurricaneKatrina. If you look in the background, you can see quite a bit of mold on the wall and reflected in the mirror, which is why he’s bundled up in the personal protective equipment (PPE). You can read the article that Jonathan co-authored about the study here#TBT #NCHH25 #NewOrleans

Jonathan Wilson

Bundled in personal protective equipment, Jonathan Wilson visited New Orleans in January 2006 to study the effectiveness of flood and mold cleanup in the aftermath Hurricane Katrina.


Week 46: February 15, 2018

Today’s #throwback goes back to May 28, 2009. That’s Rebecca Morley, NCHH’s executive director from 2002 to 2014, presenting “Home Safe Home: Creating Safe and Healthy Homes for All People” to the California Healthy Housing Coalition in San Diego, CA. #TBT #NCHH25

Rebecca Morley

Rebecca Morley presenting before the California Healthy Housing Coalition, San Diego, CA, May 28, 2009.


Week 47: February 22, 2018

Over the last several months, we’ve looked back at our first 25 years of service, sharing photos of some of the current and past staff and board members who’ve made NCHH what we are today. On September 7, 2017, we honored those people and their contributions with the #NCHH25 reunion reception. We invited every current or former staff or board member we could find to the celebration, and we were so glad that we did, because we missed these people. This #throwback comes from that evening. That’s our great friend and ally, Tom Neltner, who has actually worked for NCHH twice but is now with Environmental Defense Fund, giving a warm hug to Jill Breysse, NCHH project manager. There was a lot of love in the room that night. Photo by Lloyd Wolf ( #TBT

Tom Neltner and Jill Breysse

Tom Neltner and Jill Breysse embrace at the NCHH25 reunion reception, Columbia, MD, September 7, 2017.


Week 48: March 1, 2018

This week’s #throwback goes back to a meeting of our board of directors from December 7, 2010, so wonderfully photographed by our friend, Lloyd Wolf ( That’s Charlie Wilkins, who served on our board from 1996 until 2015, sharing a laugh over wine with Joanne Liebeler (a.k.a. “JoJo”), writer/producer/director/home improvement expert. Some of you might recognize JoJo as a TV host, notably on Hometime (for PBS), Room for Change (HGTV), Home Savvy (TLC), and Passport to Design (Travel Channel). JoJo recently marked her 10th year as a member of NCHH’s board. #TBT #NCHH25

JoJo Liebeler and Charlie Wilkins

Directors Joanne “JoJo” Liebeler and Charlie Wilkins at the NCHH board meeting, Leavey Conference Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, December 7, 2010.


Week 49: March 8, 2018

This week’s #throwback is from March 26, 2015 ‎– just under three years ago ‎– and features our longtime biostatistician, Dr. Sherry Dixon, and Marta Gomez, a research scientist at NYSDOH – New York State Health Department. These two great ladies were part of the research team that studied the impact of New York’s Healthy Neighborhoods Program for four years. Here they are, taking a brief break from crunching data. You can read about the team’s findings here#TBT #NCHH25 #InternationalWomensDay

Sherry Dixon and Marta Gomez

NCHH’s Sherry Dixon, left, and Marta Gomez from the New York State Department of Health.


Week 50: March 15, 2018

This week’s #throwback is from Oakland, California, on March 15, 2013 ‎– five years ago today. That’s legendary community activist Margaret Gordon (left) with Rebecca Morley, NCHH’s executive director from 2002 to 2014. Ms. Gordon learned the hard way that where a person lives can impact their health: Living near the Port of Oakland, a highly industrialized area, was making her, three of her grandkids, and one of her sons very sick. She’d always had #asthma, but since moving to this neighborhood, her attacks became more frequent and severe. She decided to take action, and she’s now a very influential figure in the #BayArea. Learn more about Ms. Gordon here: #NCHH25 #sdoh #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #healthyneighborhoods

Rebecca Morley and Margaret Gordon

NCHH’s Rebecca Morley with legendary activist Margaret Gordon, Oakland, CA, March 15, 2013.


Week 51: March 22, 2018

After 50 weeks of #throwback photos, we’re sure you heard that NCHH recently turned 25 years old. To celebrate the milestone, we’ve looked back at 25 years of service, sharing photos of current and former staff who’ve made us what we are today, plus friends, family, allies, and other odds and ends. Our year of reminiscing, which began six months before our anniversary, is winding down… six months after our anniversary. Next week, our Throwback Thursday series comes to a close, so check back on March 29th for our final #NCHH25 #TBT photo. But we’re not quite finished yet: This picture was taken March 20, 2014 ‎– four years ago this week ‎– at an event in Providence, Rhode Island, honoring #RI Senator Jack Reed. NCHH and the Childhood Lead Action Project bestowed the “Child Health Champion Award” to Senator Reed for his herculean efforts securing federal funding for lead poisoning prevention. “Senator Reed delivered a miracle for us,” said Rebecca Morley, then-executive director of NCHH. “Millions of kids will benefit. We simply couldn’t ask for a better and more effective leader in Congress on this issue.” Senator Reed is still doing great work on Capitol Hill on behalf of children everywhere. That’s Roberta Hazen Aaronson, then-ED of the Childhood Lead Action Project; Rebecca Morley of NCHH; Senator Jack Reed; Ana Novais, ED of the Rhode Island Department of Health; and Tori Currier, also from the Childhood Lead Action Project, with her baby. Read the full story about the event here#FindFixFund #leadpoisoning #Congress #RhodeIsland #Providence

Roberta Hazen Aaronson, Rebecca Morley, Jack Reed, Ana-Novais, Tori Currier, and Tori's baby.

Roberta Hazen Aaronson from the Childhood Lead Action Project, NCHH’s Rebecca Morley, Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), Ana Novais from the Rhode Island Department of Health, and Tori Currier, also from the Childhood Lead Action Project, with her young child, at an award ceremony in Senator Reed’s honor, Providence, RI, March 20, 2014.


Week 52: March 29, 2018

Fifty-two weeks, 52 #throwback photos. Our year of reminiscing, beginning six months prior to our anniversary, is down to one final #NCHH25 #TBT picture tonight, six months after our anniversary. We’ve enjoyed looking back at our first 25 years of service, sharing photos of the friends, partners, allies, and staff who’ve contributed to our legacy. We hope you’ve enjoyed looking back too.

It’s appropriate that our final picture in the NCHH25 series is a group photo, because it’s working together toward a common goal that results in the greatest progress. On October 16, 2013, the combined NCHH and Healthy Housing Solutions crews made a special trip to Falls Church, VA, for a Rebuilding Together Arlington/Fairfax/Falls Church event at the home of Ms. Erma Taylor. We put in a hard day’s work and helped to make Ms. Taylor’s home healthier and safer than it was before. You can read Ms. Taylor’s story here

So there it is, the last one in the series. But don’t worry, we have a lot in store for you in the coming months. As great as our 25th year was, 26 and 27 are going to be even better. And we’re taking even more pictures…! #healthyhousing #asthma #teamwork

Front row: Erma Taylor and her grandson. Middle row: Amanda ReddySherry Dixon, Judith Akoto, Jack Anderson, Jane MaloneSusan Aceti, and Rebecca Morley. Back row: Don Ryan (NCHH board), Jonathan Wilson, Carol Kawecki, Laura Titus, Jill BreysseChristopher BloomPhillip Dodge, and Rose Greene Colby.

Erma Taylor and her grandson (front and center) with the NCHH and Healthy Housing Solutions staff. Middle row: Amanda ReddySherry Dixon, Judith Akoto, Jack AndersonJane MaloneSusan Aceti, and Rebecca Morley. Back row: Don Ryan (NCHH board), Jonathan Wilson, Carol Kawecki, Laura TitusJill BreysseChristopher BloomPhillip Dodge, and Rose Greene Colby.


Back to photos 27 through 39.

Back to photos 14 through 26.

Back to photos 1 through 13.