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Share Your Story

Use your personal experiences with healthy housing to influence policy.

One of the best ways to help policy makers develop a personal commitment to healthy housing is to share with them testimony of how substandard housing issues have directly affected their constituents. Send us your stories of how people you know or work with have been affected by lead, asthma triggers, pests, mold, carbon monoxide, radon, and other causes of injury and illness; and be sure to include pictures.

Here’s a video training on how to collect stories.

Outline for Family Stories

Your story should be approximately three sections or paragraphs covering the following points:

  • Section1 should be about how health hazards in your home impacted your family.
  • Section 2 should be about how assistance through healthy homes services such as finding and addressing lead, mold, pests, or other hazards and the illness and injuries they cause, helped your family.
  • Section 3 should be why you think continued funding of fixing homes (to eliminate hazards such as lead paint or dust, mold, asthma triggers including pests, carbon monoxide, threats to home safety, and radon) and providing related services is important for your family and families like yours.

Please include a few pictures of your family including your children or other family members affected by hazards in the home.

Submit a family story.

Outline for Practitioner Stories

Your story should be approximately three sections or paragraphs covering the following points:

  • Section 1 should be about how home health hazards impact your community and/or a story of one of your patients/clients and their family. What are the data and need?
  • Section 2 should be about the healthy homes services, lead poisoning prevention, and/or lead hazard control services provided in your community. How have they benefited residents? If you’re sharing a story about an individual family, what assistance did you provide, and how did it help them?
  • Section 3 should be why you think continued funding for fixing homes (to eliminate hazards such as lead paint or dust, mold, asthma triggers including pests, carbon monoxide, threats to home safety, and radon) and providing related stories is important for the families you serve.

Please include a few pictures of your staff or your location.

Submit a practitioner story.


By sending your story to us, you are authorizing NCHH and the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition to post your story on this page and to use your words for other related advocacy and outreach materials. Your words will always be credited to you, and no personal information that you’ve shared with NCHH or the Coalition will be forwarded to other organizations or companies without your prior consent.

Your Stories

Periodically, NCHH will post various stories that we’ve received from people like you who have a story to tell. Visit this page to view the updates.

Here are a few of the stories we’ve received so far:

State Town Author
Iowa Independence Brenda Music
Maryland Baltimore Kelleigh Eastman
Ohio Grafton Betty Cantley
Rhode Island Newport Elizabeth Haverington Silvia
Rhode Island Providence Omar Bah


Five Things You Can Do:

  1. Meet Your Member of Congress Locally [url]
  2. Join the Find It, Fix It, Fund It Action Drive [url]
  3. Share Your Story [url]
  4. Encourage Others to Join the Coalition [url]
  5. Connect on Social Media [url]

Blog Posts:
NCHH and Coalition Campaign on Capitol Hill (May 6, 2016) [url] NCHH Takes to the Hill (March 25, 2015) [url]