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Emergency Preparedness and Response: Wildfires

Expert Audiences: Public Health and Home Repair

Geared toward professionals in the public health and home repair sectors, the comprehensive and technical resources found below provide guidance specific to each field about protecting the public and property during wildfires.

Wildfire Smoke: A Guide for Public Health Officials
Resulting as a product from interagency collaboration between the CDC, EPA, and many others, this guide provides guidance for local public health officials to prepare for smoke events, to take measures to protect the public during smoke events, and effectively communicate with the public about wildfire smoke and health. [pdf; EPA, 2019]

Residential Air Cleaners: A Technical Summary
This EPA document is geared towards residential housing design professionals, public health officials, and indoor air quality professionals and provides general information and a reference guide on residential air cleaners. [pdf; EPA, 2018]

Wildfire Smoke: Considerations for California’s Public Health Officials
This publication, prepared by the California Department of Public Health for its public health officials, offers information on the health effects of wildfire smoke, actions that can be taken to reduce exposure, and other public health considerations. [pdf; CDPH, 2019]

Home Builder’s Guide to Construction in Wildfire Zones
This is a series of technical fact sheets about construction in wildfire zones, including selecting a location, defensible space, various parts of the house, and community infrastructure. [pdf; FEMA, 2008]

Multi-Faceted EPA Research Addressing Threats to Public Health from Wildfire Smoke
This article provides updates to recent and current EPA research initiatives studying smoke intrusion and strategies to reduce smoke exposure to help partners learn how to prepare and respond to wildfires and how to reduce smoke indoors. [url; EPA, 2021]


Latest page update: September 9, 2022.